Part Two - Weeks Later

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              Regime Safe House (Bathroom)
              Saturday, November 12th 2022
       Relaxing. That's the word that comes to Hyuk's mind as she sits in the white oval tub of her bathroom. She has the eucalyptus bath salts to thank for that. And it doesn't hurt that the walls are painted Carolina blue, which is her favorite color. Sort of reminds her of her own bathroom back at her place. No coincidence there. In the event that Kyung needed to send his daughter somewhere off the grid, he had this safe house closest to her home location installed, fashioned to suit all of his daughter's idiosyncrasies, should she ever take up residence here.

Even though she's still mad at him, part of Hyuk appreciates her father for putting in the work to make this place feel friendly. Especially the bathroom. For there's nothing like a good soaking in the tub to wash away the worries. Lord knows she was in desperate need of one the second her and Ji-Ho arrived here, given the situation that they had just escaped from. Little did Hyuk know that the day after their arrival that she was going to need a much longer session than the one before. For it was that day that her father finally told her everything.

'The Black Regime,' she whispered out loud. It's the name of a 100-year-old organization of assassins that her father is the head of. An organization that enforces peace and freedom by way of eliminating threats that intend the opposite. Apparently, they have been at odds with a syndicate called The Unbound. Hardcore extremists who believe in chaos more than order and who treat power and wealth like it's their God, willing to do whatever's necessary to obtain it. Their leader—who simply goes by Jin—was originally in the regime until he turned traitor and started an insurrection from within. His objective? Other than total dominion over all of Asia? A hostile takeover of The Black Regime.

      Gradually throughout the years, he's been taking down different sectors of TBR's organization. But it wasn't until last month that Jin took things to another level and started to go after Kyung, knowing that killing him would help solidify the acquisition of his empire. Kyung, however, is not that easy to kill. Which is why Jin decided to go after his daughter to get to him.

Doubtless, all of this was baffling for Hyuk when she first heard it. Obviously, she didn't know everything there was to know about her father. Which led to some yelling at him through the phone and calling him several different names that no father ever wants their own daughter to call them. After calming her down, Ji-Ho had spoken to Hyuk about how he's one of the deadliest assassins of TBR and that he joined up shortly after his father died. To no one's surprise, that statement prompted more questions from Hyuk. To her displeasure, Ji didn't answer them. He needed to listen to the tasks Kyung was assigning him. Tasks that Ji has been completing these past few weeks, by the way. Once Kyung apologized to Hyuk for the lies and deception, he stated that he needed to go and that he would reach out at another appointed time. Which brings us to the here and now.

      'Really? It is time to eat already,' thought Hyuk, picking up on the soft grumblings in her stomach. Edible morsels, however, weren't all that she was hungry for.

      As aforementioned, Ji-Ho has been in and out of the safe house for the last two weeks, running assignments for Kyung. What those assignments were mattered not to Hyuk. The thing that has caught her attention on several occurrences is what Ji-Ho does when he is here.

      Almost every morning—and through casual observation—Hyuk catches Ji-Ho exercising right after he cooks her breakfast.

A few feet from the kitchen, there's a spacious outdoor patio where Ji will go and turn the balcony into his own personal gym. Strength and Circuit training he called it. Usually would involve pumping hand weights, alternating star jumps, jogging in place, and squats and lunges, just to name a few. But what he does is way less...interesting...than the WAY he does it. What causes Hyuk to sometimes gaze longer than she realizes, is that Ji-Ho does his morning exercises shirtless, wearing only black sweatpants. Getting to see Ji's six-pack glistening in sweat is a bit of eye candy Hyuk didn't see coming. The six-pack itself was a shocker to begin with. 'Ji never had that in school' was a low, whispered comment Hyuk made when she first put eyes on his muscular toned body. To say that she was impressed with what she saw was an understatement. There was something else that she felt when looking at Ji and his body.


      Though it should be noted that this is not the first time Hyuk felt this for Ji. The attraction bug reared its head more than once before. Of course, it showed up when Ji put Hyuk in her place during the car ride to the safe house. But admittedly, Hyuk felt a bit of it back in the day when her and Ji had shared a moment that they have never spoken of since it's occurrence. And as time flew by, Hyuk did her best to compartmentalize that moment and not dwell on it or anything attached to it.

      That is, until Ji showed up and dispensed of The Unbound. The way he mowed them down with his katana with one hand while holding her ever-so-tightly in his was poetry. But it was the look Ji gave her after all the bodies had dropped to the floor that allowed the allure to break out of captivity. And let's not forget about the question he posed. One that he asked with such a deep, bass-filled tone.

      'Hey. Are you ok?'

      Just the mere thought of that moment sent a mild tingling sensation throughout Hyuk's body. But what started off mild evolved into a pulsating arousal as she dared to venture off in her mind, imagining Ji's voice telling her sweet nothings. Slowly, her hands emerged out the water and began to caress her knees.

      "Lord, it's been so long."

      Just for clarification, Hyuk was referring to her 2 years of abstinence. Undoubtedly, her pent-up sexual frustration is no joke. So much so that it's influenced her actions as of late.

      For instance, Hyuk was always mindful to not let Ji see her gape at him during his morning workout routines. But for the past few days, deliberately, Hyuk has been slower to look away. It's as if she wanted Ji to catch her, hoping that it would spark up a casual convo that could morph into something more tantalizing. But what if that were to happen? What would Hyuk do?

      Dwelling on the 'what ifs' and 'what could be's' now have her body aching. And it's at that moment that it finally dawns on her that she has now been in the tub for longer than she usually is. No wonder her stomach 'fussed' at her earlier. But at least her bathtub session has achieved the desired result yet again. She's more relaxed than she's ever been. That, and a bit horny.

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