Part Four - Calm Before The Storm

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          Regime Safe House (Bedroom)
            Saturday, November 12th 2023
        What started in the morning seems to have ended in Ji-Ho's bedroom. With him and Hyuk both laying in the bed—wearing a baby-blue bed sheet over their birthday suits—Ji looked up at the ceiling distantly while his best friend-turned-lover laid her head on his chest. Before the ceiling hogged his attention, Ji was quite content with gazing at Hyuk, admiring her beauty and the way it looked in the moonlight that penetrated the tall, floor-to-ceiling bedroom windows. And the way she drew breath ever-so lightly as she slept. It was like listening to a favorite song that's stuck on replay. You get lost in the melody and in the good place that it takes you mentally, and emotionally. That's what Hyuk does for him.

        The serenity of it, however, got interrupted the second the moonlight disappeared and was replaced with darkness followed by low rumblings from outside. No doubt, a storm is brewing. Dwelling on that detail is what made Ji's mind latch onto something that troubled him. It was the fact that he hasn't been forthright with Hyuk regarding his past. 'It's not fair to her' he thought, considering that he knows far more about Hy than she does about him. This brings us to the ceiling, followed by a deep, grunted exhale. It wasn't loud, mind you. But it didn't go unnoticed. Slowly, Hyuk opened her eyes and raised her head to investigate with affectionate concern.

        "Mmm...what's wrong?"

        "Wrong? Heh. All day, I've had the honor of being in the embrace of the most beautiful, extraordinary woman in the world. 'Wrong' is so far off the beaten path of what I'm feeling right now. 'Dehydrated' might be better suited."

        Hyuk giggles uncontrollably while trailing her finger across Ji's chest, enjoyably thinking back to each time sex was initiated between the two. Each time more passionate than the last. To be fair, this was all new to them. They just couldn't help themselves. They craved each other. All that mattered to them was being in each other's space.

        Everything else just fell to the wayside. Well, tried to, anyway. Their stomachs weren't haven't it. It was around the fifth or sixth time that the grumbling in their bellies growled louder than a mountain lion, begging them to consume something other than themselves.

        After a few seconds of laughter—with Ji finally joining in—Hyuk returned to her inquisition.

       "So...if nothing's wrong, then why the deep sigh?"


        "Do we need to play some more 'truth or dare?' You were more talkative then."

        "...This day has been total bliss Hy. I don't want to rain on it."

        "You won't. Besides, I always pack an umbrella."

        Her witty remark along with her smile is what sealed the deal for Ji. After smiling back, he then scooted up against the bedpost with Hyuk still in his arm and began to talk.

        "...After finishing my first year at the Academy, I left for the summer to visit my dad here in Hong Kong. Man, I was pumped up during the whole plane ride. You see, pops loved risotto, right? Well, I learned how to make the saffron kind and blend it in with some jambalaya! My teacher said it was the best she ever had. So, I knew that dad would love it too."

       "My mouth is watering just thinking about it. Heh."

        "Yeah, it's bomb Hy. Real talk. So yeah, soon as I had touched down, I got in my rental and went to the market for everything I needed. I'll...never forget the feeling I felt when I got to his house and...and walked up to front door and...and saw that it was kicked in."

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