Question #17: Kai

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Kai: "My turn! I have one exciting and very cool question for a hot-head echidna, the warrior."

Knuckles: "Are you talking about me, Kai?"

Kai: "Yep."

Knuckles: "Uh alright, what do you want to ask? First off thanks for calling me "the warrior" by the way. But uh why do you comment on me?"

Kai: "Oh no reason. Actually, I got just 2 queries. Haven't you heard about a new Sonic animation series based on his movie called…"

Kai: "... "Knuckles"?"

Knuckles: "Wait, there's a series of me in it?"

Kai: "Yep and it's already available to watch on Paramount Plus. Released about 4 days ago."

Kai: "Check it out!"

Kai: "Check it out!"

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Kai: "Ta-da!"

Everyone: "Whoa!"

Knuckles: "Holy chaos! They made a series for me!?"

Tails: "Wow, I have no idea about that!"

Sonic: "Huh, can't be jealous of you, Knucks. Congratulations!"

Trunks: "Wow, it's so cool!"

Goten: "Man, congrats, Knuckles!"

Rouge: "Wow I am so surprised for you, handsome." (Kiss on his cheek)

Knuckles: 😳

Rouge: "You deserve a reward. (Giggles)"

Knuckles: "T-Thanks, Rouge. Uh, I appreciate your gratitude with that..."

Knuckles: "Oh man, I can't believe I got my own TV action series this year! First, they made a mini Lego me on the place set and now this! Hahahahaha! This is the best day of my life!"

Knuckles: "Wait a sec, could that be who I think it is?"

Kai: "You mean your movie counterpart from Sonic movie 2? Then yes it's him."


Knuckles: "Gosh, I like Movie Knuckles! That's such an awesome sauce! I definitely want to watch it!"

Knuckles: "Uh wait, where should I watch it on TV again?"

Kai: "It's on Paramount + now streaming to watch only 6 mini-episode events about you. Well, the movie you. Of course, he looks exactly like you with that attitude. A barbarian as a Saiyan."

Vegeta: (Ahem)

Kai: (Whistle)

Knuckles: "Yeah I know how he reacts. I already saw some action scenes where he fights against Movie Sonic from the second movie."

Knuckles: "It's just like our memories when he and I first met in our first rivalry. After teaming up with Eggman to stop Sonic from stealing the Master Emerald."

Superman: "That explains the two of you had a lot of history together as friendly rivals through every adventure in your world."

Sonic: "Yep, we do, Superman."

Knuckles: "Oh I am totally going to purchase it to watch on television! Hahahahahahahaha! I am so happy I think I'm gonna die!"

Knuckles: "Tell me this isn't a dream? Can somebody pinch me?"

Yang: "Okay." (Pinch)

Knuckles: "OW!!"

Knuckles: "Hey!!"

Yang: "You said to pinch me, knucklehead."

Vixen: "Heh, well someone's feeling hyped about his own series on stream. "Knuckles the Warrior Echidna"."

Knuckles: "Hey, I like it that. Because I have these guns and fists to smash and crack enemies as a true brave warrior! Yeah that's it! I love pounding baddies!"

Black Canary: "A hot-head red animal warrior with enthusiasm for fighting. Somebody's gonna take a chill with that tone."

Kai: "Hey, few of us are hot-head fighters like we always are."

Kai: "One more query for you. Which of the 2 SEGA media series/movies do you prefer the most, Sonic Movie 2 or your series?"

Knuckles: "I prefer my own series better. Because now I'm the star of a show from SEGA this year! I'm way stronger and faster than that blue hedgehog and annoying metal-arm blonde-haired girl with stupid puns. I'm so good-looking apparently."

Sonic: "You know we can hear you, right?"

Yang: "Grrrrr!"

Jay: "Gotta be honest with ya. I usually play Prime Empire all day, but hey when I played Sonic Frontiers, wow totally awesome from the SEGA video games. And Sonic the Hedgehog movie 2 was sick! I liked it."

Jay: "Sonic the Hedgehog, the blue blur speed of the sounds of heroes in all the multiverse!"

Everyone: (Except Shadow, Vegeta, & Raven) "GOTTA GO FAST!!"

Sonic: "Aw, thanks guys. You don't know how it makes me feel about that."

Aeos: (Kiss on his cheek)

Sonic: (Turning red and chuckle)

Knuckles: 🙄 "Oh yeah, he's the fastest thing alive alright. Like all the time you kept saying that over and over about your heroism."

Knuckles: "Anyways, let me get my hat and watch my own series on Paramount +. Hahahahahahaha! I'm so eager to see Movie Knuckles again!"

Knuckles: "Oh and by the way, Rouge, do not steal the emerald on my island! Got it?! Or else...!"

Rouge: "Why that's absurd. Why would a beautiful elegant lady like myself do such a stupid thing to the man of my life?"

Knuckles: "Yeah, right! Always being dramatic as a real lady as a total thief you are."

Rouge: "Ugh! Well, how dare he!"

Cole: "And then he left."

Kai: "I figured he would go and watch it right now tap his head."

Kai: "So, next question?"

Sonic: "Yep, next question!"

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