Question # 11: Batman

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Batman: "(Ahem) I have some queries about your world, Remnant, Weiss."

Weiss: "Go ahead, what is your query?"

Batman: "Ever since we met in your family's mansion. After that time we searched for others to help, battling many armies of digital Grimm led by Kilg%re while we were trapped in his virtual reality. Since we escaped."

Batman: "What were you and your team doing in Remnant before you were transported to Earth, help us to beat Watts and Kilg%re?"

Batman: "What happened to the kingdom of Atlas in the real world before it was restored using 7 Dragon Balls a long time ago?"

Sonic: "Oh!"

Batman: "Only Weiss answers. Not for a fan-hedgehog."

Sonic: "Okay."

Yang: "You don't want to spoil the answer for him, you know. Just because you saw Volume 7-8 in our series."

Sonic: "I know."

Weiss: "Anyway..."

Weiss: "It's a long story. We had difficult times, difficult choices during the battle of Grimm invading Mantle in the kingdom of Atlas."

Weiss: "Our goal was to bring the people of Mantle and Remnant to transport to Vacuo right before Atlas was devastated. Beforehand, using the Relic of Creation created a pathway. Causing Atlas and Mantle into a flooded mayhem. Those of us were trapped in a dimension of the Ever After. Even though Atlas was our home. Our kingdom."

Weiss: "I had a home. That family."

Ruby's Group: 🙂

Weiss: "Especially all the warriors in multiverse are my family too."

Weiss: "Warriors of Universe 7, 6, 11, Ninja, and Freedom Fighters."

Batman: "I see. That is quite an intense mission you have to save Remnant and stop Salem and her brotherhood army of Grimm. Another thing I was concerned about is what the kingdom of Atlas looked like when you and Winter were born in Schnee Mansion?"

Winter: "Tails, would you do an honor?"

Tails: "Sure thing."

Winter: "This is Atlas

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Winter: "This is Atlas. One of the blizzardy parts of the 4 kingdoms of Remnant after Mantle forces battling Grimm. Building an entire peaceful city from centuries ago."

Winter: "In my life in Altas. I was ranked as a top commander of the military leading all soldiers to guard and battle in the name of our kingdom. In those days we used high-technology equipment for drastic warfare to protect the city by Grimm sped around the island when they'd come to devour humanity. Some of those days we have special police forces patrolling every street to keep a close eye on criminals to harm innocent people and send them to prison to commit a life of crime. It is my job to work all day. As a Schnee, working is more important to me and my family."

Winter: "It's been 6 years since the battle of Vacuo putting an end to Salem thanks to Ruby and your team saving Remnant. And once again Remnant is now finally brought back to a peaceful harmonious reality. I am very grateful for a worthy warrior from another universe who restored Atlas to the way it used to be before. Using these enchanted 7 wish orbs, so-called "Dragon Balls" were created by an interesting Namekian guardian of Earth. That is certainly someone who is a brave warrior who fights alongside huntsmen & huntresses for courage, respect, and responsibility in the name of Remnant. Son Goku the Saiyan from Universe 7."

Qrow: "Hey, what about me? I made a wish to revive your land."

Winter: ...

Winter: "Thank you Goku." 🫱

Winter & Goku: 🤝

Goku: "Well it was nothing really. It was all thanks to Shenron's power after all."

Goku: "Don't know what to do without him."

Winter: "I do want to say thank you to all of you for protecting Atlas from Grimm with your heroism."

Ruby: "I also want to thank you guys for helping us defeat hundreds of monsters spread across 4 kingdoms in Remnant several months ago. Our universe was thankful to all of you warriors in the multiverse you fought amazing abilities and powers with your help. You guys are the best heroes."

Lloyd: "Hehehehe, it means a lot to us, Ruby."

Sonic: "That's how we heroes do."

Goku: "That's how we warriors never give up and we stick together. And fighters from multiverse work as a team. We can't lose!"

Eggman: "I am not a hero, you know!"

Nya: "Yeah, we know. You're much more like a half anti-hero and a half villian mostly."

Eggman: "Bruh!"

Batman: "Then again, he still doesn't look like a bald mustache villain."

The Flash: "And a big fatso shape looks like an egg."

Eggman: "I heard that!! How rude of you superheroes  dressing up in cosplays!"

Sage: "Father, calm down."

Sage: "You should never offend him the way you are nicknamed in behavior."

Sonic: "She's right. You guys should watch what you're saying to him in front of his artificial daughter. After all they're family in the matter of their life. Show respect to him and his lovely creation also known as kids. Well technically his minions."

Sonic: (Whispering at Flash) "Truth is his whole body shape looks like a fat egg. Fat!"

Weiss: "Thanks Bruce for your interesting questions about my former home Atlas. I moved to Vale and lived in a new home with all of my family."

Ruby: "Especially me, Weissy?"

Weiss: "Yes Ruby. Especially my rose girlfriend."

Ruby: 😍 "(Gasp) Rose girlfriend?! I love that name!"

Ruby: (Hugs Weiss) ❤️ "Thanks, ice girlfriend!" ❤️

Ruby: (Kiss her) "I love you."

Weiss: "I love you too."

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