Question #5

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Goku: "A second question from damianflashpoint to Sonic said: "Hey Sonic, if you have to choose, which friend would you say is your best friend? And why is he/she your friend?"

Tails: "Uh hello, we all know who Sonic's best friend/little buddy is like every year."

Sonic: "Yep, you got that right, little bro! Tails' my trusty sidekick and little brother. I always want to have him with me for our biggest adventures every year."

Sonic: "Not only he's my only best friend in the world. I have all of them. It's you guys of course."

Sonic: "Well Raven, Shadow, Eggman, and Weiss."

Weiss: "Huh?! Why me?!"

Sonic: "Because you're a bossy Ice Queen and nobody else likes you at all."

Weiss: "Ugh!"

Sonic: "I'm just kidding! Hahahahahahahaha! Just kidding, sorry about that."

Weiss: "It's not very funny, you know."

Sonic: "I know, I know, you're not the bossy one anymore because you have friends who support you to fight as huntress. Plus, you got a girlfriend with ya."

Weiss: "Indeed, I have. And I forgive you for your attitude."

Sonic: 😁

Sonic: "Well, ever since I met my friends in our world since we became allies in different crazy epic adventures right from the beginning. Which of course, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Shadow, Silver, Blaze, and everyone I know over the past couple years I'd encountered them to aid with me to save the world from Eggman. I am pretty happy. I'm glad I met you guys. As a family."

Tails: "Aw thanks Sonic. You're the best friend we ever had."

Amy: "Yeah, I'm glad I met you since we first met."

Silver: "You're a great hero Sonic."

Blaze: "Indeed, you're one formidable speed fighter that no one will ever oppose your power. Not even me though. But I am still glad to have you as "close friends"."

Knuckles: "Once a speedster, always a speedster. Even though you're a show up one just because you're too cocky to win in every battle against me. If I would have to be a hero, I would do it myself with these babies. But..."

Knuckles: "You're my friend and rival after all. I would never let you down without a fight."

Sonic: 😁

Trip: "Sonic..."

Trip: "I still thanked you for being friends with me after working with Eggman in my loneliness for a long time. You made me believe who I truly am the most. I am never afraid of anything or even everyone hurting me during times of depression. I don't have anyone who encourages me. And that's why..."

Trip: "That's why I'm gonna keep on fighting to beat my loneliness. I believe in myself. And you too. Everyone..."

Trip: "Thank you."

Sonic: "I'm happy for ya, Trip."

Vector: "And let's not forget you got all of us we take care of things clean up by taking down Eggman's army as heroes."

Cream & Mobians: "Yeah!"

Sonic: "That's exactly why you guys got behind my back spikes to help me instead of refusing."

Eggman: (Ahem)

Eggman: "I know I say to you some things all the time obviously. Blah blah blah...But I am very grateful to be your villain, try to crush you and take over the world for my Eggman Empire forever non stop."

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