The man

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why do we need them?

to abuse us, use us , torture us 

to appear as Satan's spawn and make our lives a living hell 

Is that why we need them?

or do we need them because they are inferior?

We women get called inferior

but is it not the other way around?

we can cook, clean, have children, express our emotions

but that is a "women's job"

but when a man does it 

they are superior, strong, powerful

when a women works" she's abandoning her family"

but when a man works" hes providing for his family"

if I can do all this stuff 

I am  a man

I'm the man 

I'm superior the man 

I am a woman 

which is far way better 


I'm sorry for the men who are reading this getting mad but its just reality 

This is what we go through very single day 

We get told that we have to do a "women's job" but when we work, when we want to earn money, be independent its a bad thing. Its viewed negatively

and for what reason. Due to the society that we live in, the patriarchal system which controls us .

I Found out that men get hired more than woman due to their ability to not give birth.

Women who get hired for jobs get payed less or  don't get jobs bc of them being able to give birth

like wtf 

why cant we be equal?

as in why cant we al

 women of colour, 

women who are disabled, women who cant have children

women who want to abort 

why cant we all be equal?

 have the same rights 

anyways I'm done ranting 

yet again sorry for the men who will be mad at this but im not sorry for expressing my views and opinions on how we woman are treated 



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