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what does expect the unexpected mean?

unexpected is confusing

how can I not expect you to appear like a disease later in my life

to leach on me like a parasite

to drain away my happiness and replace it with distraught

to take my pain and worsen it

expecting isn't any better

why should I expect you?

why should I look out for you?

are u good news or bad news I'm expecting?

death, trauma, illness

what are you? just tell me

save me the overthinking, the sleepless nights,

save me from my own mind eating me away

why should we expect the unexpected?

tell me which one should we do

look out for the expected or the unexpected

why do you make me suffer?

I shall expect nothing

neither the expected or unexpected

all you do is reek havoc on my life

give me panic, stress and anxiety

why do you do this?

leave me alone, let me live in peace

I beg you

expect the unexpected.....

to hell with that expression

so hi

this is my first time writing

ty for reading this

pls tell me whether you enjoyed reading this or if you hated it.

I'm open to any comments that anyone wants to make on my writing as long as you aren't rude while you say it

(if you cant tell I'm really sensitive)

okay bye

pls vote and comment

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