fight or flight

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the battle between two individuals
fighting over emotions,wealth,family, or any stupid reason
conflict should not exist
it should be deleted, erased, and burnt to the ground to be engulfed by the flames
conflict creates two options
fight or flight
fight the individual, anger the individuals, or unleash the anger upon the person
fight the person til the next hour, til the next morning or til death
knuckles bloody and cut, face bruised and wounded, and the heart restricted and tight.
run away from the issue, the problem, the conflict,
run til your legs run out, run til you are unable to run anymore, and run til your conflict is forgotten or resolved
"resolved" what a funny word
no issue can be resolved without any wounded soldiers
"forgotten" the issue will always be brought up no matter the conversation.
fight or flight
I choose neither
I choose death
death is my escape from this conflict, but I won't die from fighting or with bloody knuckles
I'll die with a hot chocolate in my hand and sunset, which I will join soon

is it just me who is getting tired of life lately?
tired of the expectations that others hold over me, that they believe I will succeed, triumphant, and conquer. How do you expect me to do that when I'm unable to wake up in the morning and get out of bed?
how do you expect me to carry on life like I'm not feeling worthless?
anyways I hope u enjoyed reading
pls drink hot chocolate and stay warm

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