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My life is broken, falling apart, and tortured

By those around me whom I considered friends, family, sisters

We fell apart due to your pathetic lies

Narcissistic is what you are described

made my life hell and made me feel like shit

why did you hurt me and make me feel this way?

Was I just another friend who was easy to play?

abandoned me for those you considered cool

you hurt me, broke me and tortured me

and now you want to act as if everything is normal

Paint me the villain in your story

ad tell all your new "friends" that I was the problem

but you are forgetting that I am the one with the scars

And you are the one who inflicted them and tossed me afar

How could you do this? Are you not human?

you said you loved me but this is not love

This is torture than you put upon me

Unable to heal due to lack of care

Ridiculed and stared upon due to you

made fun of and mocked due to you

Cried and screamed due to you

Panic attacks happened due to you

And I lost a part of me due to you

But do you care? No, you never will

You may always deny it but you are a narcissistic

Karma will come to you

And when it does I will be in the corner staring right at you

Let me just vent real quick

Get some snacks and hot chocolate

So at the start of September, my "friend" who was a literal narcissist stopped being friends with me which I didn't care about because you know she was a real witch. She and our friend group fell out with her over the summer due to some things she said to another friend but she moving on. So we came back my friend and I had our class with her and she chose to actively speak about it WITH us sitting right next to us in class EVEN THO we said we were going to be civil we were like yh we were going to ignore her. If you don't know Im a very sensitive like very and idc if people don't like this but I show how I feel, so she decided to start starting on me and saying stuff about me which was shit of her because even tho she was a shit friend I always tried to find the good in her. But yh and even after we talked about it with teachers they asked if we wanted to be friends which he was about to say yes to but I said no because how did she think we would be besties after she said all of that is she okay?

And it's the fact that she is the type to diagnose herself for shit but if you say ohh I think I have this she will be like oh no stop self-diagnosing yourself. LIKE WHAT YOU HAVE TOLD ANY PEOPLE THAT YOU HAVE DYSLEXIA AND ADHD EVEN THOUGH U HAVENT BEEN DIAGNOSED AND HAVE NO SIGNS OF IT LIKE GIRL STFU.

Ooooo deep breathe in deep breathe out I'm good I'm okay

But yh this is about her if that ginger twat ever finds THIS IS FOR YOU AND DEDICATED TO YOU.

She is the reason I didn't like ginger people, SORRY TO THE GINGERS READING THIS I LOVE ALL OF YOU IF YOUR SWEET

anyways thank you for reading and listening to my vent

Pls stay warm and drink hot chocolate



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