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im hurt, im in pain

physically, emotionally, and psychologically

i dont know how much more i can take, how much more i can endure

i have wounds and scars reminding me of my battles

reminding me of my pain and mocking me

im hurt

ive been let down over and over again

first to none, second to everyone

pushed to the side and given leftovers

i dont want leftovers , i dont want this pain, and i dont wanna be hurt

but alas, this is my life

im left to defend myself and to deal with this stabbing pain in my stomach, my mind, and my heart

i dont know how much more i can take

and i dont how many plasters i have left

but i know that if i continue getting hurt

i won't be hurt anymore

so I understand that most of my poems won't make sense to some of you, and that's okay.
this poem explains that the heart can only take so much before it stops all together. I want to thank you guys for reading my poems. I really appreciate you guys
thank you
you all deserve hot chocolate

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