how are you?

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how are you?
the question asked when one is curious about another's emotion
but the answer is a lie
how are you?
I'm happy
Happy meaning if I say what you want to hear will you leave me alone ?
how are you?
I'm okay
okay, meaning I ain't happy, but I don't want you to be bothered about me
how are you ?
I'm fine
fine, meaning I just give up with life and fed up with people asking, how are you ?
how are you?
do you want me to say how I feel, or do you want me to lie?
you don't care about how I feel. You just don't want to show that you care
you don't care
how do I know you may ask?
if you did care, we wouldn't be required to ask the question
now let me ask you a question
how are you?

so this week has been eventful. I have been recently experiencing anxiety, and it's not a great feeling. Not even hot chocolate can help me when I'm anxious, but it calms me down so that it's close enough, I guess.
I'm so tired and idek why I've been sleeping so much and I'm so unmotivated. like ZAZOOLANA GET UP AND GET SOME WORK DONE!
I hope u guys are great
pls stay warm and drink hot chocolate
how is

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