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I'm grieving

how can I go on with life?

When she is no longer with me

when she is not by my side to make me laugh, and smile

She is no longer the reason I wake up in the morning,

Why do I get out of bed?

to no one's surprise

I am upset

Why am I upset you may ask?

At Myself, the people around me and her

Why did she feel the need to leave?

why did she feel like she had to leave me here?

was I not good enough?

or was it because she could no longer battle the war that was happening in her mind?

I failed

What did I fail at you may ask?

I failed at keeping her safe, making her feel loved and keeping her happy

I am angry

Why am I angry you may ask?

angry at those around her who made her feel that the only way she could be happy is if she wasn't here

why did they push away?

why did they make her feel worthless?

And why did they drive her to suicide?

I'm happy

why am I  happy you may ask?

I'm happy that she is no longer struggling

That is she is no longer hurting and can be free

but I'm still grieving

I'm grieving in a world that was supposed to be

a world with me and you

For eternity


How are you all?

I just want to let those who are battle a war in their mind or if they're struggling you are not alone. If anyone wants to talk or vent pls feel free to message me on here or privately.




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