Chapter 41: Boom! Bye bye Continent~~~

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I lifted my arm high above me.

"Ode, it'll be fine if I blast a hole above me, right?"

I started charging the mana around me, I was standing in the dead center of the tree's top platform. Sparks of white and gold moving around my hand, combining into this small superheated ball in my palm. Magic sigils glistened around my wrist.

<Hm... Well, there is a possibility it might->


A beam of pure white and gold fire shot up directly upward, the leaves above us turning molten within seconds. A relatively large hole opening up in the World tree's metal canopy.

<Why did you ask if you weren't going to wait for an answer?>

"I mean, it'll all be gone anyway."

<Seriously man... you know what you're doing, right?>

"Yeah. I'm all set here~"

I reached into my inner coat pocket and pulled out the ominous black orb I got from the Elven Queen. It had this purple aura around it, and the orb's surface almost seemed to be shifting ever so slightly. There was this rough scratchy feeling against my palm, like something was indented in the orb.

I squeezed it slightly and started dousing it in mana. The purple glow grew stronger, it sucked nearly five thousand mana out of me.

"Alright. Let's do this."

As the mana focused on the small palm sized orb in my hand, the air around us started blowing slightly heavier. It was similar to when there was an overload of mana in Noyade. The world itself and mana were linked and because of that, mana could cause immense changes.

I returned my left hand to slime and started spinning it around immediately, it stretched out into what was comparable to a lasso. I whipped it upward toward the searing hole in the canopy. It curved to the right and then changed to the left before latching onto a metallic leaf. The rope line became firm since I reabsorbed all of the slack.

It started rapidly pulling us up before I swung our body around. My feet landed lightly against one of the leaf's edges, I cut the slime rope and boosted us up higher. We jumped between a bunch of the World tree's leaves, and within seconds we breached the top of the tree. I reset my hand and clenched it a few times to make sure it felt right. With the orb still held firm in my hand, I started wrapping it in a coat of mana before doing one final leap with all the power I could put into my legs. We went flying into the sky, I spun around before throwing the orb at full capacity straight up... or so I thought.

I watched as the orb started curving with the wind.

Which for what I was doing, was really really bad.

"Ah... shit-"

A sudden blast shot from the edge of the continent. It wrapped around the black orb and shot it straight up, correcting the mistake I had made when I threw it.


I looked in the direction of the blast.


I glanced at where the sudden wave of mana came from. I saw Esther holding a light-blue sniper rifle shaped weapon, small particles of mana surrounding it. Risible looked straight at me and put up a peace sign while smiling...

How the fuck could he even see me?

"Six, we gotta go now."

"How do we get back?"

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