Chapter 7: I went on a 'Date'... I think?

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"Percide!" I heard someone yell.


The door whipped open and slammed into the wall.

"Eh- My wall..."

"Percide!" Yelled Goldwill.

"What is it...?"

"There are protesters outside! They are complaining about the prices of your items... again..."

Such a hassle.

"Lead me to them."

As we walked I looked out the window, a giant line of people stood at the gates to the estate.

I walked outside and down the long steps to the manor...

Why would anyone want this many stairs?

"There's that cheap merchant!"


"What the hell's with your prices!"

"Make your stock cheaper!"

There were a lot of people cursing me out.

Though the actual me did nothing wrong. If anything I did nothing.

"Calm down."

I tried being reasonable with them.

"Why the hell should we listen to you!"


"Let us in!"

"Lower your prices!"

They continued to curse me out and obviously I wasn't very happy about it.


I made the gears fit in my palm as I crushed them.

"Vocalize." I whispered.

"I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP!" my voice echoed throughout the area.

"Agh, my ears!"

"Ugh what the hell?"

"Ouch... I can't hear!"

[Vocalize] was a spell that modified my voice as I saw fit. In this case, I used it like an amplified megaphone.

"Listen. I hear all of your concerns. I was in an accident somewhat recently and I have no recollection of anything that happened before the last week and a half."

"You there. What's the current price for a piece of bread?"

"Huh. Me? Uhhh for a piece of bread it's fourteen Zenite."

"Goldwill, how does currency work from bottom to top?"

"Well it starts with Copper coins, then one hundred Copper coins is one Zenite coin, then one hundred Zenite coins is one Silver coin, one hundred Silver coins is one Octite coin, then one hundred Octite coins is one Gold coin, and one hundred Gold coins is one Platinum coin."

"Alright, so what is the average wage for a common worker per week?"

"Hmm... maybe fifty to sixty Copper coins? And that would be for a relatively good job."

Wha- fifty to sixty Copper?! And a piece of bread costs fourteen Zenite coins which is...

One thousand four hundred Copper coins?!

"Isn't the bread... really over priced...?"

"Hmm... yes, but you said to make it that way."

I facepalmed.

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