Chapter 8: I Took a Quest!

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The manor can be seen from any point in town since it's at the center. I'm surprised that there isn't a noble running this town... wait why isn't there? I'll ask Goldwill when I get back.



I heard the clunking of metal rapidly approach me.

The door swung open hitting the wall again.

"Erk- my wall..."

"You called sir!"

"Ah, yeah I have a question."

"Ask away."

"Is there a noble that runs this town or something? I haven't seen one yet..."

He looked at me.


He only continued to look at me.


"Percide. You're the noble of the town."


"I'm the noble?"



He just looked at me with a straight face.


"Alright... thank you for clarifying..."

"Anytime sir."

"Ah- by the way, what are the knights doing today?"

"They are at the barracks training."

"When was their last day off?"

"Hmm... around three years ago? Probably..."

"Three years?!"

"Yes, you never let them take days off under the pretext of them getting significantly worse."

I facepalmed again.

What the hell was wrong with this Percide guy?

"Tell the knights they are allowed a day off each week, also remind them not to push themselves too hard. If they fall, the town falls."

"Of course sir!"

Goldwill looked overjoyed.

"Now if you'll excuse me for a bit."

I went to the library.


I hadn't been here in a few days. Nor have I checked my status window.


My bright blue window showed up after a few days of being idle.


Name: Cynical

Species: Regulus Slime

Level: 32

Rank: F

EXP: 62/29,412



'World Ender'

'Monster in Human Clothing'


'Magician's Crusade'

'Darkest Monster'


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