Chapter 14: I Didn't Expect That

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The shattered black ceiling started to close up. The cracks resealing themselves as Ode and Six struggled to stand up.

Before the roof fully sealed, Four and I fell through hitting the hard platform.


Four sat up and shook his head trying to regain focus.

Ode got up using the control console as a support.

"You really did that... One? That was completely uncalled for."

I stood up, wobbling a little due to the impact from falling.

"How was it uncalled for? Esther was going to be killed-"

"Do you not realize what you did? You released all of them."

"All of what? I feel like the only one in the dark over here!"

Ode turned toward Six.

"He doesn't know?"




Ode facepalmed and turned toward me.

"Listen. You just released almost a thousand versions of us out into the world. Some of them will try coming back, and some will try living on their own. Which also involves all of their delusional hobbies."

"Versions of us?"

"Yes. Us. Everyone here in this space is a variant of each other."

"I need a full explanation here, stop with just bits and pieces. Explain everything."

Six decided to step in and explain in place of Ode.

"You are a Regulus monster of the Slime species. Your unique skill is [Variant Break] which in terms of abilities, creates alternate realities to pull new versions of that person into the main line. Each of these variants has a unique bound personality that represents them. Ode here being the smart ass-"

"That was uncalled for."

"Yeah yeah. The point is that the system is controlling all of our lives and its shitty plan was to have you do setup quests to unlock us and our abilities. However, that was just ruined because of the 'Rupture' you caused."

"The 'Rupture'?"

Ode decided to step in again to finish the explanation.

"The 'Rupture' is when no variant is in control, forcing our subconscious to shatter and release everything inside. Which is why we are now the only four variants still here. All the others escaped and are spread across the world now. You still follow?"



Ode stared at me like he was about to kill me.

"I mean yes. I understood everything perfectly fine."

"Give me a summary then."


I turned toward Six for backup, but he was already back on the couch reading manga. I then turned to Four but he was sleeping- wait sleeping?! Now?!

"Um- so from what I got; there are a bunch of versions of me that are from alternate realities the system made and we're all connected through this place. I absorbed myself along with Four causing this 'Rupture' that released all of the variants making it so that they are spread across the world."

"Good, close enough."

"Don't you guys hate the system though?"

"Now the system's plans being ruined isn't our problem. All of us are quite fond of that, the problem is that we lost all of the other variants. Pretty much you just fucked yourself in a sense."

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