Chapter 24

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I take out one of the 18 vials that I had collected.I had almost forgotten that they were there."What is it?"He asked,crossing his arms across his chest."Dunno,found it"I say with a shrug,handing him the vial as he analyses it."Where did you find it?"he continued with a squint."The WHISP building"I muttered out nonchalantly.I could see his gaze hardening and Jack coming behind me.God know why if course but it was nice to know he was there.It felt so weird how fast I had moved on from Nancy but it wasn't like she had made a move on me.Or had she and I'd been too dumb to notice?

Eh too late to worry myself about now."HEEY Scottie so I kinda need you to take care of rosette for a bit while me and Summer hang out"Says some brunette boy shoving a BABY into Scotties hands as he looked at it confused.Hm...must be summers boyfriend."I-im an uncle?"Michael muttered with a look of shock spreading across his face."Oh!You must be Michael,Summer's Brother?"The boy asks before continuing to speak before Michael has the chance to answer."Im Jacob,nice to meet you"He says as he puts his hand out to shake it.I could see him hesitate before reluctantly taking Jacob's hand into his own and lazily shaking it.It was only then that I glanced back at Scottie,Who was still holding a baby under its arms in front of him.I walk up behind him and tap him on the shoulder."Give her here,I'll look after her"I say.It's the least I could do after they had all so kindly taken us in.He could not have been more enthusiastic about shoving that baby between my hands as I held her against my chest.I felt Jack tap my shoulder.
"Now may be a good time to tell you I'm very good with kids" he smiles.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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