Chapter 15

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I wake up.My eyes fluttering slowly as I adjust to the light shining through the walls of my tent."Damn..."I whisper to myself,sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

I lean forward and unzip the door,the sunlight blaring in my eyes and I squint tightly."Mornin"Jack smiles as he sits near the fire,one of his legs up so he can lean on it as he carves something with his pocket knife.I crawl to my feet and walk over to him,sitting next to him.

"Everyone still asleep?"I ask setting my knees against my chest,resting my chin against them."Mhmm"He muttered,not taking his eyes off of what he was carving,which I could now see as some sort of figurine."What you making?"I ask,squinting again as the sun shone against my face.He stayed silent for a moment before parting his lips to speak,"It's's for you actually..."He stuttered as he continued carving."O-oh...really?"I ask,unsure if I heard him right."Yeah it''s like a safety's a little wooden soldier..."He blushed,he clearly wasn't expecting for me to wake up and see this but I suppose it was better that it was just us instead of everyone seeing it.I wasn't interested in dating Jack...but a part of me wanted to see where this relationship was going to go.

"That's beautiful"I smile looking at the wooden sculpture between his finger tips.He opened my hand up and placed it in my palm,I felt it between my fingers before digging through my bag,pulling out a piece of loose string and putting the charm on a necklace.I don't even know what I would do if I lost this."Whooo bloody hell,I'm sweating down my arse crack"Thomas exclaimed as he crawled out of his tent,his shirt discarded and clearly visible inside his tent."It's hot as fuck out"He continues wafting his hand across his face like a fan.Soon after,everyone started to climb out of their tents and sit next to me and Jack."New necklace?"Savannah commented on my charm nodding at my neck.Shit...what was Nancy she Jealous or mad or anything?
Does she...Even care?

"Oh yeah...found it"I lie trying to keep both mine and Jack's dignity.I look over at Jack who's already looking at me,a wide grin plastered along his face.
I can see Nancy,she doesn't look happy whatsoever."Okay so we're setting off today so,get your tents folded and your shit packed"Mike instructed as he and Ollie rose from their seats and starting to fold their tent."Sir yes sir"I salute to him as a joke,watching him chuckle to himself as me and Nancy walked over to where our two tents were put up,right next to eachother.

"What's going on between you and Jack?"Nancy asked,her hands on those wide hips of hers and her beautiful blue eyes twinkling in the sunlight,I almost lose myself in her eyes before I realised what she had asked."O-oh it's nothing...there's nothing going on"I replied.I fully meant what I had said but it sounded more like a lie with the way I said it,pausing every moment or so."it didn't sound like nothing this morning..."she mumbled,finishing taking down her tent and placing it back to the side of her bag where we had previously taken them from,soon after I do the same."Right guys,I've got us all a bottle of water from back at camp because if you remember I have six,So someone is gonna have to share"Michael announced as he placed the six bottles to the floor."What about Angel?"Nancy asked placing her hand into her pocket only to find,Angel was missing."Ah shit"she cursed."Never mind that we need to go we're wasting time"Thomas spoke up as he grabbed a bottle of water."Me and Savannah can share"Be exclaimed,placing his bottle in a pocket in his bag.Savannah blushed a deep red,clearly flattered by Thomas' bold move.I'm so totally Savamas' (Savannah X Thomas)biggest shipper.

One by one,we all collected a water bottle and packed it up.Nancy was distraught that Angel had ran off but it's not like we could do anything about it now.We had to get to the safe Haven before we become some roamer's dinner.

Now that I think about's been a while since we last saw a fact,I think the last one we saw was Jax and he wasn't even fully developed!

We move onward,reaching a small town.It seems to be completely empty,we scout around but...there's no sign of people anywhere.

"Ooh look there's a shop!maybe they have supplies in there?"Savannah suggested.She was into something with that one I must admit."Oh yeah!Lets have a look about"I agree.

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