Chapter 4

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"Ah well,that's my mind made up.I'll take the helicopter"Thomas said advancing towards the men in a jokey manner,still trying to lighten the mood.

Without missing a beat the roamer began to charge at Me and Nancy.We turned around and  followed Thomas to the helicopter,soon after,so did Sav,Mike and Jax-Who still hadn't said a word.

"CMON RUN FASTER!"Me and Nancy shouted out to the others in unison."WAIT UP- EUHHH FUCK"Mike winced as he tripped over a root from a tree.Jax (stupidly) stopped running and turned around for Mike.

He grabbed onto Mike and dragged him up,bringing him to the helicopter where me,Nancy,Thomas and Savannah were being buckled into the seats by the suited men.

We couldn't see their faces but if we could,I'm sure they would've had a look of pure fear across their faces.Suddenly,one of the men grabbed my bag and looked through it,pulling out the container of the orange fluid."What's this?!"he yelled waving it in my face.Rude much?

"Well I don't know do I?"I say in a mocking manner,something catching my eye.

The badge on the man's suit with the letters W.W.S.P,Exactly the same as the container.i raise my hand and poke at the badge."I suspect you do though don't you?"I ask with a smirk.He shoved the container in my bag and grabbed my hands,inspecting the cuts and stains that decorated them."How?"he asks tossing his head up from my hand to look me in my face,or Atleast I think he was."Yard work"I say without any emotion,averting my gaze past his body and at the rest of my friends,who were also being checked, and the other man who was slamming the door shut.The people in the helicopter now were four other suited men and all of my friends and the pilot.

The guy who was inspecting me moves down my legs to my shoes,pulling them off and pulling down my socks,revealing a large gash in my ankle."How?"he asked again,now referring to another injury."Barbed wire"i say,again showing as little emotion as possible.
He then grabbed my face,his black cloves scratching against my skin as he turned my head from side to side,looking for any more injuries,then finding the scar just below my jaw line.I couldn't see his face but I could tell what he was thinking 'What the fuck?'.That's what everyone thought when they saw it.The truth is,back when the virus first started to spread,I was running from a roamer and some lunatic smashed a brick into my neck.It took months for it to heal up and my mom had to sew up the gash."How?"he asked with noticeable hesitance."Brick"I hesitated.It was vague but it was an answer.He let go of my face and pulled back,us now hearing the low buzz of the blades spinning above us.

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