Chapter 20

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"OLLIE!"Michael yelled as he fell to his knees,clutching Ollie in his arms."What's wrong what...what's happened?"He said,trying to hold back the very obvious lump in his throat.Ollie moved his hand from his chest...a bright red stain spread more and more as the seconds passed.I slammed my hand over my mouth in an attempt to hold back my scream of terror that was brewing.It was my fault...I let Ollie stand in front of me...

"Your okay...Y-your okay"Michael already had tears falling from those blue eyes of his."t-take...this"Ollie muttered,ripping a small chain from his neck and shoving it into Michael's hand.Rejecting this,Michael closed Ollie's fist in the chain...handing it back to him."N-no Ollie your okay...I'm gonna help you dont...don't worry..."he choked,wiping some tears from his face with his thumb and combing Ollie's Sandy-blonde hair back." you...Dad"Ollie murmured...his last breath...exiting through his mouth.I think Michael was in so much shock he couldn't even scream...only look down at the lifeless body of the only child he ever truly cared for...

I looked to my left at Nancy,who's head was firmly tucked into Thomas' shoulder and so was Savannah's.I look to my right at Jack,who was holding back the tears that were welling beneath his Hazel eyes.I look to the floor, where Michael was still sat on his knees...the chain still wrapped through his fingers..."W-what do we do now...?"I stutter.It was a heartless move considering what just happened.I didn't want to keep moving...not now...

"Come on...H-he would've wanted us to...keep going..."Michael sniffled,rising to his feet and wiping his nose on his wrist."we're getting to the safe the honour of Ollie..."He continued.He walked forward,towards another city that wasn't too far away.Maybe 'forever' was a word meant for memories...not people.

I couldn't believe how calm Mike was being about all of this.Ollie's words ran through my head constantly.' you...Dad' because he was exactly that.Michael was more of a father to Ollie than anyone else could have claimed to be.We had suffered a great loss that day and I don't think we would even recover...I know I wouldn't have had the strength to be so calm if someone I loved as much as Michael loved Ollie died so brutally.It was cruel...That guard knew what he was doing when he pulled the trigger on such an innocent little boy.He was eleven.That sick,sick bastard was gonna pay for everything he's done to me and my friends.He's gonna taste the fucking pavement if I ever catch him.

We walk into the city,a building standing tall in front of us.Meanwhile,Michael was staring at the floor...clearly guilty of leaving Ollie's lifeless corpse for the wolves.

I walk forward,placing my hand on his shoulder.If he was going to feel like this...we were gonna feel like this together.I opened my arms wide in front of him and he just fell into my arms.His head full of strawberry blonde hair just fell into my chest as I wrapped my arms around him.Everyone deserved a hug in times like these.I could feel him twitching as he cried into my chest."That's it...let it all out"I encouraged him,tracing one hand through the back of his hair while everyone else just watched."W-why'd it Jax...Now Ollie..."He sobbed."I know...I know..."I comforted him as I resten my chin against his skull.His hair was soft against my face.I press a light kiss to his head and pull backwards.I don't like hugs...but Michael needed me right now and I owe it to him."We keep going?"I ask dryly.I felt like I was just brushing past the little boy that had just died but unless we got to that safe haven...we were gonna die too...

"Y-yeah...let's have a look in that building"He suggested,extending his index finger to point at a large building next to us.It said on the front 'Electric'.I may even be able to charge my phone in there!"Yeh...let's go"I smile,taking Michael's hand and following behind everyone else,who had already started walking towards the building.I was moving forward as he whispered in my ear "I need something to make me laugh..."He sounded shy.If he wanted humor though...that's what he was gonna get!

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