Chapter 13

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We set off into the distance,walking through what was left of that shitty city.Nancy,However,held on to her promise quite well,she must have been feeling flirty because she took off her jacket and wrapped it around these wide hips of hers,revealing her toned muscles and that collarbone.I felt like such a creep staring at her like that...but I just couldn't help it.

I probably sound like some teenage boy that is seeing tits for the first time but its not like that.I had noticed Jack watching me a while ago,about an hour into the trip to be exact."It's so hot out"said Jack,he must have been trying to catch my attention when he took off his shirt and put it into his rucksack.The worst part about that worked!I could hardly keep my eyes off of his abs."Are we all stripping?"thomas smirked jokingly."I will"Sav laughed.A look of 'I'd like that actually' was smeared across Thomas' face."Nooo thank you,I've seen enough nipples in these past few days thankyou"Michael squinted,walking towards the sun,the sand beneath us coating our shoes in thick dirt.Wait...What does he mean he's seen enough nipples these past few days?!And is he on about just the boys or did he see me,Nancy and Savannah in the showers?!

"The fuck does that mean?"Nancy asked,clearly just as concerned as I was.It was a pretty worrying sentence."What I mean is...nevermind actually..."He was so close to telling us.I really wanted to know.Fortunately Savannah put herself to use for once and continued what I believe he was going to say."it's because I flashed him and Thomas before when I changed in the warehouse"she smirked,proud of herself."Did they see your-"I begin to say before Thomas interrupted me "Yes"he smirked,adjusting his backpack on his shoulder.I looked over at Nancy whose eyebrows were raised and mouth practically on the floor,same as mine.But who wouldn't be shocked after finding out that someone FLASHED THEIR PU**Y TO TWO BOYS!"WAIT!What about Ollie?!"I asked as the thought popped into my head."No i didn't see anything she told me to turn around"Ollie reassures me,i have to admit that did ease my mind a littbe bit;no eleven year old needs to see that.

Me personally ive seen Savannah naked (partially) and im scarred from that.Shes not the prettiest sught.And that isnt me saying shes hideous,not at all,im simply saying...if she crawled into bed with me i WOULD kick her out.Respectfully.

"its getting dark,we should set up camp here"jack instructed us."with what tents dumbass"Michael stops walking and places his hands on his hips,proper sass.I stop walking too.He had a valid point if I'm honest."uhhhh yeah I didn't think that one through"Jack grunts.I roll my eyes and look at Nancy."Does anyone have like...a picnic blanket or something?"i ask,combing some hair from my eyes in the wind."yeah well incase you lot forgot,i was a cadet before the rot."Thomas uselessly informed us,although...i suppose it wasnt all useless when you think about it."Your point is?"Michael swirled his tongue around the inside of his bottom lip in annoyance,im not too sure what he was annoyed about really."My point is,Michael,That I can set us up in the wilderness no problem I just need-"Thomas was interrupted when Jack started to talk over him."Or we could just...use the Tents attached to our backpacks?"he smirked,pointing at the roll of cloth attached to the side of his bag as he held it into the air.Mike combs his dark eyebrows with his thumb and index finger and shakes his head at Thomas as he takes off his bag."Wait guys...I don't have a bag..."Ollie said softly.A look of realisation flashes across Michael's freckled features.He turns to Ollie,a smile curling on his lips,"You can camp with me,Kid"he wrapped his arm around his shoulder in a fatherly manner.It was cute seeing Michael like this...he's not been like this since we lost Jax.

I smile and fling my bag over my shoulder gently and pulling out the roll."How do we set this shit up?"Savannah groaned,mindlessly fumbling about with the tent.Thomas chuckles and walks up to her,standing behind her and helping her by holding her arms.I could see Savannah blushing heavily but trying to mask it.I turn back to Nancy who had also noticed,she was smiling to herself as she set up her tent next to mine.I have to admit,she looked kinda cute like that."Yo Nance,Jem,can you two go into the woods and get some fire wood?"Michael asked as he and Ollie hunched over as they set up their tent."Yeah I'll finish off your tents"Jack volunteered as he finished tying off his own,his black sleeves rolled halfway up his forearms,showing off his veiny muscles."Uh yeah be right back" I holler as me and Nancy stagger into the woodland area,which didn't make sense considering we were mostly in a desert but then again undead people didn't exactly make sense either.

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