Chapter 3

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I take a moment to think and raise my eyebrows when I remember the container in my bag."Oh I found this outside the Woodlands"I say reaching into my backpack and pulling out the wrapping,placing it gently on the table.Everyone except Nancy looks at it in confusion before Thomas flicks the cloth off of it and taps the glass on the container."What's the liquid?"he asked looking up at me.I shrug and when he looks at Nancy she does the same.He lifts it to his nose and smells it."Don't have a smell"he grimaced.Jax hadnt said a word since he got back,which is strange for him;usually he can't shut up.

Before I had time to say anything,an unfamiliar windy sound surrounded us."The fuck"Mike said looking up,as if trying to look through the roof.

"Hello?is anyone down there?"a voice I've never heard speaks just above the cabin.All I can do is squint and look upwards in confusion."is that a Helicopter?"Sav spoke with her eyebrows furrowed.I raise from my seat and look out of the window,it was indeed a helicopter."GUYS?I think they're here to help us!"Savannah practically jumped in joy.I grab my bag and my container and step outside."Is there anyone there,?"a booming voice says again from the helicopter."YES DOWN HERE!"Savannah shouts waving her two hands in the air."Woah woah woah how can we trust them?!We don't even know who they are!"Nancy quite rightly reminded Sav.Before she could get another word out the helicopter was landing in the middle of the farm-cheeky bastards.

"WHAY WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU TWAT!THATS OUR FOOD!"Mike shouted jogging towards our fam (or what was left of it).

Two men in black and grey suits with masks stepped out of the helicopter,big shotguns held across their stomachs."Were not gonna hurt you guys,we're here to rescue you"One of the men held out a hand in front of them as if to comfort us.Savannah's eyes practically twinkled,which is odd with her shit colour eyes.

"Well I'm gain"Thomas said raising his hand.Me and Nancy looked at eachother and rolled our eyes before turning back to everyone.
"Just come with us,we'll get you kids cleaned up,Okay?"The suited man wafted his hand as if to urge us towards the helicopter.

Before we could even react there was growling heard in the distance.Me and Nancy whipped our heads around to locate the source of the noise.

And there we saw it,a roamer.Right in our camp...

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