Chapter 21

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We continued advancing towards the building until we reached one of the offices on the third floor.There was a socket in the wall that I jumped at the chance to plug my phone into.It didn't take long before it was up and running again and...I saw my mums last text...

'Hey sweetie,I know your phones dead but...if you ever get it charged I want you to know that I love you.I always will my buttercup.See you in the next life love'

It made my heart ache that my own mother died without knowing if I was alive or not.We we're separated in the rot and i found Nancy and the others.My mum died not knowing where I was...Tragic.

"I swear to GOD Jack if you do that one more time I'm gonna throw you out the window!"I heard Savannah screech.I turned my head to Jack by the window looking down."What are you doing?"Savannah asked crossing her arms."checking if it's worth the drop"He smirked.He's so sarcastic."why whats he doing?"i ask,confused since I had been looking at my phone."He was flicking her in the fod"Michael chuckled.It was good to hear him laugh,it's what Ollie would have wanted.

My lips curl into a smile as i check my battery.'100%'.Damn that was quick.But then again I always did have a fast charger.I unplugged my phone and slipped it into one of the pockets in my pants."Can I get you anything while we're here?"I smile,looking up to meet Jack's tremendous height."Mhm yeah"He muttered as he held my cheek and pulled me in for another kiss.I could feel everyone staring but I didn't care,the moment our lips locked it was like the whole world around us stopped for a second.I can feel his smirk against my lips as he holds onto me tighter.This was starting to feel like a way steamier kiss than I anticipated.Suddenly,he pulls away...his face was pleased—he knew he had won me.

"Do.That.Again.I NEED A PICTURE!"Savannah squealed in joy.Even Nancy looked happy for us...Did she not like me to begin with?"How about you and Thomas kiss instead"Michael teased her,his hands on his hips in that sassy way.He was using humor to cope but who am I to tell him no?"I-i uh...N-no"Savannah stuttered,pressing her hand to her face to hide her obvious blush,Thomas was doing the same."Whelp...We better get going now,there isn't much daylight left and we're so close to the safe haven!"Nancy exclaimed enthusiastically.She was right,the sun was already starting to set outside the windows and we needed all the time we could get."Yeah...yeah let's go"I nodded in agreement,pulling away from Jack and walking towards the exit.

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