Chapter 16

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I dug through some clothes that were in the floor.I was looking at a shirt that said 'brain is lacking,but my ass is packing' across the chest,I chuckle as I place it back down.

Suddenly,Savannah let's put a loud gasp and begin to speak."NANCE!JEM!OVER HERE!"she shrieked In excitement.I furrow my brows and walk over to where she was,Nancy standing next to me looking down at what Savannah was looking at."You found PADS?!"I clamped my hands together in happiness."yeah and there's SIX packets,we all take three each?"Sav suggested as she held out a packet for me and Nancy to take."been needing these"I chuckle as I shove my pads into my bag for later.

I continue my search around the store until Michael started to speak."Woaaah...Jem,I found just your room"He gasped.I squint at him as he walks into a room nearby,following him inside.It's a library...
If I haven't made it perfectly clear,I LOVE to a lot.So this room was like heaven on earth for me.I make my way through the shelves,skimming past the many strange and peculiar titles.For example,there was a pale blue covered book with the words 'Pots and potions' and even a book with the title 'Kiss'.This one book however,caught my eye.It was a book,wrapped in leather-much like Jasmine's diary that was still in my backpack.Only this book,instead Gad words written across the read 'The diary of Hayley Myles'.Hayley Myles...I'm sure I've seen that name somewhere.I pulled out Jasmine's diary from my bag and flipped a few pages from where I stopped reading...there was no date on this one,however.

'Dear Diary,

I'm not sure I'm gonna make it until tomorrow.We're running out of water and we haven't even left the warehouse yet...My friend Hayley,Hayley Myles found us today,she's coming with us to the safe Haven too...that is,if we even get there.She's keeping a diary too!Shes a great writer.I'm leaving my diary here,this will be my last entry in this's too heavy to take with me.To whoever finds this,good luck.

Sincerely,Jasmine Hope'.

So Hayley was Jasmine's friend huh?Good to know.I flicked through the rest of the pages,all of them...were blank.

I suppose Jasmine did say that was her last entry,I just wasn't expecting to not get any more information.I place her diary back into my bag and take Hayley's diary into my hands,patting my thumb against my tongue and flicking to the first page.

Dear Diary,
I'm starting this diary to log my progress throughout 'the rot' and to maybe publish later.I'm writing from the warehouse that my friend,Jasmine Hope,is stationed.We're leaving for some safe Haven tomorrow.She told me about how her brother,Jackson,ran away with his girlfriend and some boy named Michael.I feel bad for her but we can't stay hung up on the past,we need to 'grasp the nettle with both hands' as my grandad used to say.I hope I can write again tomorrow.

Sincerely,Hayley Myles'

Jasmine was right,Hayley was a pretty expressive writer when it came to it."Whatcha reading?"Jack asked as he pulled up against me,looking at a few words splattered across the page in Italic."Check it out,it's the diary of Jasmine's friend"my lips curl into a smile as he reads,pulling up closer to me and his heat radiating from his skin."Cool"He mumbled as he read on.I look him up and down,he looks warm.He still has that black W.W.S.P suit on and I can see his sweat dripping from his face."you look...warm"I whisper as I use the sleeve of my jacket to help wipe some sweat from his temple."I am warm"He smirked,I'm not sure why because what he said was a completely normal sentence.I throw him a shirt from the ranch and without even saying another word,his shirt is being pulled over history head and his abs are being revealed.Call me a perv,but I couldn't keep my eyes off of him for the short amount of time he was like that.Unfortunately,Thomas doesn't have very good ideas and walked around the bookshelf as Jack was shirtless!

"Oh?Am I interrupting something?"He grinned widely as he leaned against the bookshelf,his arms crossed around his abdomen."Nooo it's not like that he's just changing"I say,wafting my hands in the air just to get the point across.Thomas just rolled his eyes and walked away.Jesus Christ.Was he...insinuating that me and Jack were...getting up to something?Surely not right?right...?

Jack finishes changing and we skim over the shelves,looking for anything that might me worth our while."This?"He asked as he held a book that read '100 ways to survive in the wild'.That was probably a good idea to keep,I nodded and he slipped the book into his backpack."Should we get some for entertainment too?"I ponder as my fingertips brush over the cover of a book with the title 'Snow girl' in white bold letters and a blue background.Jack can see me looking at it as his lips curl into a smile...Did he...enjoy seeing me like this?

My thoughts are soon after brushed away as if they were dust on a shelf when I pulled the book out and looked over the cover.At the top,there are the words 'Sophie Anderson' who I assume to be the author.My gaze continues downwards and my attention is grabbed by the girl on the front.She was pale,like snow,and had purple accents to her figure.The words 'The snow girl' appearing again in the center of her dress but this time in navy blue."I think you should keep it"Jack said,now standing behind me and curling his arms around me to take the book from my fingers."R-really?"I ask,unsure that I heard him correctly.Surely I shouldn't keep this's of no importance of our survival.

"well,I can see you like it and I've decided your keeping it"He smirked,slipping the book Into one of the pockets in my bag."W-well if your sure..."I agree,not wanting to seem too excited but on the inside,I was having a whole ass party.

I take a glance over into another section of the store and something catches my eye.It's a small shelf near to the till,with some notebooks filled with blank paper and some fountain pens in tubs next to there.My urges got the better of me and I picked up a little black,leather notebook with an elastic to hold it together.Then I picked up a fountain pen with black ink inside,picking up some spares just incase.I never did like blue ink-Or red,euuhhhh.

"You gonna pay for those?"A voice from behind me echoes.I twirl around and am met with a teenage girl.I had no idea who she was...

"O-oh im sorry I didn't know anyone...anyone worked here I-I don't have any money"I stuttered,making a fool of myself in front of a stranger."No no it's okay I was just kidding,Where you heading with all"She questioned.I suppose it was within good reason because no one sees a teenager picking up four fountain pens and a notebook and goes 'Ah just a regular old tuesday'.

"W-well we're looking for a safe Haven,you wouldn't have happened to have heard of it...have you?"I pushed,trying to divert the conversation away from the Lena I was slipping into a pocket in my bag and the notebook that was being placed in another pocket."Oh yeah,I know the safe haven...I guess I'll see you later?"she finished off the conversation so abruptly."W-wait!Whats your name?"i try to keep it going."oh don't worry,it's not important..."she said.I hate it when people do that.I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to know.She walks away and I'm alone again,being weighed down slightly by the stuff I had collected which were:

•some clothes
•A book
•Four fountain pens

And not to mention the weapons in my holster.That shit was heavy.

"Hey guys over here!"Thomas hollered.What could it be now?

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