Chapter 18

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We walked down the field a little until we reached a little river bank,That was gonna be a pain in my backside walking through tomorrow.But I remember what Jasmine had written.To the east and that's where we're heading.After that run in with the roamer I was more than ready to get to the safe Haven.

"This look like a good place to camp?"Jack asked,slinging his bag over his shoulder as if he already knew the answer.We all nodded in unison and started to set up our tents.It felt as if the day had flown by...did I really spend that long in the library?Surely not...Right?

I finished buckling the elastic down and sat by the fire next to Nancy and Savannah."Hi girls"I grinned."Hey Jem"Said Savannah.Nancy,however,was nearly falling asleep on the floor next to me.My heart practically dropped when her head dropped against my shoulder,resting on me.A bright blush spread across my face and Savannah noticed it."You like her...don't you?"She asked.Oh shit...was I really that obvious?

"I-I uh...yeah"I admitted.It may not have looked like it...but on the inside,I was all warm and fuzzy.I hadn't told anyone of my feelings for Nancy before and it just felt so good to have it out in te open;this would be great for my diary."I like Thomas"She continued,taking a sip of some of her water.I already knew that but I had to act surprised so I just raised my eyebrows and stood up,walking over to my tent."You may like Nancy but...I can tell you have feelings for Jack too..."Savannah looked over at me.She was right,I did like Jack...But I felt like I owed it to Nancy after knowing her much longer than Jack."Don't break her heart Joules...Please?"She weeped.I hesitantly nodded and slipped into my tent,zipping it t up and pulling out a pen and my journal.I began to write.


Dear Diary,

We're just off the edge of the daisy field right now and everyone is heading off to bed.Savannah asked me something interesting tonight,she knows of my feelings for Nancy as well as the ones for Jack.I can't decide who to choose and I feel that choosing neither may be the right option.That way at least I won't upset Nancy or Jack.Savannah confirmed tonight that she does indeed have feelings for Thomas,just as I suspected.I could see it in her eyes.

I miss camp.I miss the way the grass used to sway and the trees used to blow and the daily chores all of us took part in.I miss when Jax was here with us...
I'm sure Michael does too.

Tomorrow we set off again east to the safe haven.Earlier Nancy told me that she's interested in Botany,which i specialise in since I studied it back in High school.I found her a book in the library called 'the language of flowers' so she can study.I've agreed to teach her what I know about flowers.I hope she does well.I'm surprised we all still have our pants after we had a run in with a roamer,thankfully roamer's aren't very clever so we made it out with all our limbs.I better had be off to sleep now.Until next time.

Sincerely,Joules Hendrickson'

I wrote.I felt like Shakespeare with all my fancy words.I placed my journal to the side and lay on my back,once again staring up at the roof of my tent.I wondered where Jax could be and cursed myself for letting him go.It was all to quick...
For all we know,Jax isn't even alive.And I dread if we ever meet Jasmine,She won't know how to react.Part of me hoped that Jasmine was dead and we wouldn't have to explain what happened to Jax to his younger sister.She was only 15 after all...two years younger than all of us,apart from Jack,who's 18.There was a certain feeling about losing a friend.Guilt...?It wasn't my fault he was taken but it was my fault that I refused his job.That I refused to go and get water with Mike.I should have been bitten...not Jax.I don't think I could have ever forgiven myself if Michael was the one who got bitten either.Michael didn't deserve this...he lost his best friend all because I didn't want to go and get water and instead decided to cook dinner.It's my fault...All.My.Fault.

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