•Chapter 35

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(The messages will be sent through Kakao talk instead of Instagram for the next few chapters. There'll be a small difference in the format)

31 December

"Awhh he looks like a cute baby squirrel! I wanna squish his cheeks!" Someone cooed softly in the distance.

Jisung turned over and frowned. He began to sweat, mumbling incoherent sentences.

"Hyung, Jisung looks like he's having a nightmare." The familiar voice said again, it sounded muffled to Jisung, during his sleeping state.

"Breathe, hannie, breathe." His lovers voice immediately calmed him down as the elder gently ran his hands through his hair.

"Is he okay? He hasn't been looking like he has been sleeping well. Jisung loves his sleep." Felix asked minho, his voice laced with concern. Jisung finally recognised the familiar voice.

"Unfortunately, no. His manger, Hyunwoo, has been pestering him constantly - every three hours to be exact. He's pressuring Jisung to break up with me. He claims our relationship will taint the trainees and the company." Minho sighed, his fingers continuing to gently play with Jisung's hair.

"I thought hyunwoo was a nice guy." Felix frowned as he sat on the seat next to Minho on the couch.

"He may appear nice to you, but he is a shit manager. Homophobic asshole." Minho muttered the last part to himself quietly.

Jisung slowly stirred awake. He lifted his head up with Minho's lap and glanced around the waiting room.

His hair was slightly messed up, but it didnt matter as they had finished performing.

"What time is it?" Jisung mumbled and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He stretched and yawned before lacing up his shoes.

"It's nearly 12am love, we can leave soon. We didnt want to wake you up earlier." Minho softly said as he looked at his boy lovingly.

"Ooh yeah I should go find Changbin!" Felix got up and left the waiting room, leaving the two alone.

"What were you dreaming of hannie?" Minho softly asked, hoping it wasn't the same reoccurring dream he has been having lately.

"Its still the same stupid white truck. This isn't a kdrama!" Jisung exclaimed as he finished speaking. He sat down with frustration oozing off him.

For the past few nights he had been having the same recurring dream. In it, a white truck speeds down the busiest road in Seoul, while a car cuts across the intersection, narrowly avoiding a collision with the truck. The dream left Jisung with a sense of unease each time he woke up.

"Don't think about it too much. It's probably nothing. Dreams are weird." Minho calmly said, trying to relax the boy.

"I'll try.. lets go to the party. I want to forget about this all." Jisung got up and picked up his phone. He had received numerous calls from Hyunwoo.

"Stupid motherfucker." Jisung mumbled and slipped his phone into his pocket.

"Lets go?" Jisung called out to his boyfriend as they walked to the door.

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