68- Blood Oath

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Recommended song: into the wind- by heylog

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It was a warm and sunny day when I decided to head out from the underground to free myself from the smell of sea salt. The sun glaring at my back sent relief through my entire body. Staying down there for too long felt like the cold had settled in my bones. It's beautiful outside today. Pink petals can be seen falling from cherry blossoms, blowing with the wind and landing on the pavements.

Maybe it's been too long since I came out of the underground, and that's why nature seemed to be eye-catching today. Ever since Shizuka started hiring more villains for his 'cause', I've been the one supervising them as Shizuka put them under me, even though Makoto is better for the position. Unfortunately, he's busy with his stupid job at the Ministry of Quirks. It's both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because I can stop pretending I'm burning quirkless people down and stop going to mortuaries and chopping off limbs from dead bodies as proof I got the job done; a curse because I'm stuck with the most annoying men, and I don't really like it.

For now, I threw my responsibilities down the drain because I have my sweet tooth to attend to with Makoto's money. I readjusted the sunglasses on my mask to keep them from fogging. Maybe I should invest in some ant-fogging sunglasses with Makoto's money.

I stopped in front of a confectionary store. The sweets here were on the expensive side, but money wasn't a problem right now. I pulled on the door handle and stepped inside. I looked for my favourite chocolate balls filled with strawberry jam. Hands in pockets, I walked through the aisles, looking for the said chocolate box. I sighed when I realised my faviroute chocolate was out of stock. I heard two people bickering and glanced in the direction of the noise, my eyes widening when I saw the girl with black and white hair.

I stood still as a cat, my breath stuck in my throat, as I watched the girl interact with someone I assumed was her boyfriend. The rabid blonde head from the sports festival who won beside her. He seemed to be stopping her from buying something. I glanced at the box in her hand, deadpanning, when I saw the box of chocolates I was looking for. She went on tiptoes, slinging an arm across his neck, slapping her hand on his mouth, index and thumb pinching his nose so he didn't make any noises as she looked at the box in her other hand. The blonde struggled in her death grip, making incoherent noises.

She finally let him go and marched over to the cash counter, ignoring the boy who told her to 'get your ass here and buy something else.' I really hoped she'd listen to him because I wanted that damn chocolate. It was my favourite. But I didn't make any move to go up to her, watching her with a hawk's eye. I was scared my head would split open if she looked at me.

And that's exactly what happened.

She caught my eye when she was at the door, ready to leave. It was just for a second, an accidental eye contact she thought nothing of. My eyes rolled back when it felt like someone had drilled a hole in my temple. I took in a sharp breath and held my head. My shoulders shook as I concentrated on breathing the pain away. I glanced at the glass pane from where I could see outside the shop. She was rubbing her temple, too. The boy turned around in concern, his mouth moving as he spoke to her. They stood there for a few seconds before the girl shook her head and said something, with which they left.

I looked down at my feet as my headache subsided. It was clear it happened because of that stupid girl. I clenched my jaw and left the store, standing on the pavement, waiting for a cab. Nothing happened when I saw her on TV, but when I saw her in the flesh, I felt sick. Does she have some secret quirk that gives headaches to people? Or was it just me? The thought of it made me nauseous.

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