61- A Perfect Date Ruined

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Bakugo rolled off the bed, landing on his ass on the floor. He let out a 'tch' and turned the alarm off, stumbling into the bathroom, still half asleep. He stared at the sink for a solid minute before washing his face and brushing his teeth. He changed into a tracksuit and went downstairs to get a bottle of water from the kitchen.

Just as he opened the fridge, he got pounced on by none other than Bear. Bakugo sat up with a wide grin, ruffling Bear's fur as his tail wagged wildly. "Missed me, big boy?"

Bear barked in response, panting and jumping around Bakugo. If Bear was here, it meant so was Yoshiko. He jumped up and marched into the living room to look for her. He found her sleeping on the floor, mouth ajar, head on her luggage, storing energy from the light falling in the living room through the window. His lips tugged up on the sides, watching her as she slept. He took cautious steps towards her and knelt down.

This reminded him of the first time he laid his eyes on her. He absolutely loathed her the right moment she opened her eyes. He still remembered how Bear almost split his neck into two. He put his head on the luggage, admiring her as she slept. How different things were now.

"Oi, wake up. You'll strain your neck." He said, moving some hair out of her face. When he got no response, he lightly tapped her cheek. She stirred, opening a lazy eye.

"Hi," she smiled sleepily.

"Hey," he smirked. She sat up and shifted closer to him. Her head fell on his chest like it always belonged there. She could hear his heartbeat rising.

"I missed you, pomie." She mumbled, closing her eyes again.

Bakugo smiled to himself, letting his back rest against the couch so he was more comfortable. He wrapped his arms around her, resting his cheek on her head, "Missed ya too, Solar Panel."

He sat there with the safe sounds of her breathing, his hand running through her hair. Bear whined at the two, and Bakugo rolled his eyes, opening an arm for him to nuzzle into them. Bear let out a happy bark and pounced on Yoshiko, making her groan.

"Bear," she whined. "You're a big boy. Stop jumping on me."

"Oi, don't scold him," Bakugo said, patting Bear's head.

Yoshiko looked up at Bakugo, her heart warming at the happy twinkle in Bakugo's eyes. She shifted in her place, planting a sweet kiss on his jaw. He looked down at her and brushed his nose with hers, pushing a brief kiss onto her lips before bringing her head to his chest again. He was supposed to be going for a morning run but couldn't bring himself to move from this position.

He listened to the safe sound of her breathing, hand running through her hair slowly. He dozed off feeling warm and comfy with Bear and Yoshiko nuzzling into him. He opened his eyes again when he heard footsteps and looked up to see Shinsou looking down at them with his hands in his pockets.

Yoshiko looked up at him, making no move to leave, instead giving him a firm stare. He smirked down at the girl, "Morning cuddle sesh with your boyfriend?"

Yoshiko didn't reply, instead examining his lavender eyes from the floor. His eye bags were extra pronounced. He looked tired. Without another word, Shinsou went into the kitchen, and Yoshiko looked up at Bakugo, "Did something happen?"

"His ice cube of a girlfriend threw a tantrum at him for not giving her enough attention when he was busy trainin'," Bakugo explained. "She's such a pain in the ass whenever she comes over."

"You know... sometimes I feel bad for encouraging him to confess his feelings. But he was so happy with his crush I thought he'd be even happier later." She sighed.

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