57- Glad We Met

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Yoshiko looked down at her screen as she changed out of her hero uniform. She put on a warm teal hoodie with black leggings. The text on her phone told her that the custom jewellery she ordered a few weeks back was available at the store now. She had to go pick it up.

Once she signed out at the agency, she stepped outside to see the boys waiting for her. Her eyes immediately fell on Bakugo leaning by the wall, scrolling on his phone. She gulped, quickly looking away. He hadn't talked to her all the way back to the agency. Thinking about his warm lips made her only want more of them.

"Akimitsu-san is here!" Midoriya exclaimed, "Let's go."

"Oh, no. You guys can go without me. I have to get my order from a jewellery store nearby." Yoshiko said, putting her phone in her pocket, avoiding Bakugo's intense gaze.

"It's getting late," Todoroki said. "You should take someone with you."

"Ho, ho, no one's messing with me," Yoshiko patted her biceps, giving Todoroki a grin.

"If you say so..."

"See ya guys." She waved, turning around.

Bakugo took a step towards her, opening his mouth to say something, but decided against it. He gave her one last glance before following the boys towards the station. His mind was stuck on that gentle kiss. He could still taste her on his lips. He looked down at his feet as he walked. He didn't want to wait more to empty out his heart to her. It had to be right now.

"Go on without me," Bakugo said, turning around.

"Huh?" Todoroki glanced back at Bakugo.

"Did you forget something at the agency, Kacchan?" Midoriya asked.

"No." Bakugo ran in the direction of where he saw Yoshiko earlier, though he had no idea where she was now. Tokoyami and Todoroki made a move to go after him but got stopped by Midoriya smiling softly at his childhood friend, "Let him go."

He looked around, searching for signs of Yoshiko. He took his phone out of his pocket, opening Yoshiko's contact, finger hovering over the call icon. He grumbled and chose not to call her. He ruffled his hair, wondering if he should continue looking for her or go after the boys when he remembered something. During the vacation, everyone in the 'bakusquad' group chat shared their live location in case one of them got lost.

He opened the group chat after what seemed like weeks, flipping the chat that had been gossiping about Yoshiko and Bakugo's angry confessions. He scrolled up all the way to when the locations were shared and clicked on Yoshiko's location. He sighed in relief when she found her location was still on. She was taking a shortcut through the local park.

Phone in hand, he followed her location on the map, running as fast as he could. Luckily, the park was empty since it was late in the night. He squinted at the screen once more before taking a turn to the right. There she was, walking without a care.

"Oi, solar panel!" He exclaimed, slowing down.

Yoshiko glanced back to see Bakugo jogging towards her, "Katsuki? What're you doing here."

He came to a stop in front of her, catching his breath with his hands on his knees. Once his breathing was back to normal, he straightened his back, looking down at her. She tilted her head questioningly.

"Let me do this properly. I fucked it up once. Not again." He took her hands, looking down at them. The back of her hands was smooth compared to the roughness of her palms, calloused from hero work and training. He met her metallic eyes that pulled him into her like magnets.

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