47- My Princess

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Bakugo was relieved he and Yoshiko did not have any team-up requests as of yet. He really needed a break. He poured milk into his cereal, sticking to an instant breakfast. He walked with his cereal bowl outside to find Yoshiko on the couch, nose buried in a book, stroking Bear's fur with the other hand. She looked at him when she felt a movement beside her.

"Where's my good morning?"

"You already look like you're having one. What's the point." Bakugo snorted.

"Yeah." Yoshiko set 'The Sword's Birthright' down on the coffee table. "I just finished my favourite trilogy. I'm a little sad about it."

"Bad ending?" Bakugo asked, shoving a spoon of cereal in his mouth.

"No, it was excellent. It's just that weird feeling of, 'what now' after you finish your favourite show or book."

"No, you're just obsessed with it."

"I bet you would get obsessed with it as well if you read it." Yoshiko huffed, playing with Bears ears.

"Give me the first book," Bakugo said. He'd heard her ramble so much about the series that he wanted to find out if it was as good as she claimed it was. Yoshiko happily hopped off the couch to grab the other two books. She returned shortly with the books, giving them to him.

"Read Blade In Ice first and then Broken Blade," she picked up Swords Birthright and put it in his lap. "That's the last book." She slumped on the couch beside him with Bear in between them.

Bakugo pushed his bowl of cereal back on the coffee table and got comfortable, opening the first book, surprised when he saw the author's signature after a note. 'Yoshiko, Hitoshi says, thank you for being my best friend. I'm glad you bullied me into being your friend back in grade four.'

Bakugo sneaked a glance at Yoshiko. He imagined what it would be like if his best friends, Kirishima and Izuku, suddenly decided they weren't talking to him anymore. He felt guilty when he recalled that he was the one who pushed his childhood best friend away. At least he apologised and made up for things. He could only imagine how Yoshiko felt. Since the day she came to the dorms, he never found Shinsou without Yoshiko and Yoshiko without Shinsou.

He flipped through the maps and index to get to the story, immediately immersed in the beautiful writing by the very first paragraph. He never read a fantasy or a romantasy genre, as Yoshiko called it. He wasn't sure he was going to enjoy a bunch of elves or other fantasy characters and creatures. But once he started reading, he didn't find it weird.

"Really?" Bakugo raised an eyebrow, looking up from the book at Yoshiko, who was busy scrolling on her phone.


"This is the guy you simp for? Asher?"

"Duh. He's got long and silky silver hair, a mouthwatering body, and bonus, he's a warrior elf." Yoshiko sighed dreamily, cupping her cheek. "I'd marry him any day."

"He's a damn fictional character." He reminded. He would never admit it in a million years, but he felt jealous that Yoshiko was acting so dreamy for a fictional character when he was right there.

"That's alright," Yoshiko smirked. "I'm married to him and have kids with him in a bunch of fan fics."

"What the fuck?!" Bakugo yelled, jaw dropping. Yoshiko chuckled and leaned closer, eyes glimmering with mischief. "And Mina's married to his cousin."


"You won't get it. Continue with the book." Yoshiko waved her hand dismissively, continuing to scroll through Instagram. Bakugo eyed her weirdly, unsure of what to do with the information she just threw at him. He decided to ignore it and move on with the book even though he did not like the idea of her reading questionable fan fictions about Asher.

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