46- Cuddly

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She took in her surroundings with her eyes still closed. She felt strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her flush into the body beside her. His legs were thrown over hers, his nose nuzzling into her neck. Yoshiko's eyes fluttered open, feeling Bakugo's hair tickle her chin as she felt his warm breath hit her neck. He was holding onto her as if she were some bodypillow. She hummed, putting a hand on his hair to pat it.

Her alarm went off, disturbing the peaceful moment she was having with Bakugo. She sighed, trying to wriggle out of his arms and legs. He grumbled something incoherent and snuggled further into her. "Bakugo, wake up. My alarm's ringing."

"Turn the damn thing off." He groaned sleepily, his voice two times deeper than it usually was, sending sparks through Yoshiko's body. 

"I will if you let me go, you damn Pomie." Yoshiko huffed.

He loosened his grip around her, and she twisted over to her side table to turn her alarm off. As soon as the vexing noise was gone, Bakugo pulled her back beside him, eyes still closed. A smile crept up Yoshiko's face as she watched his eyelashes rest on his rosy cheeks, his mouth slightly apart as he slept. She admired his soft and flawless skin, half wishing her quirk was secreting nitroglycerin, too, so she could have perfect skin like his.

She wanted to embrace his warmth for a while longer, but they had to get ready for class. "Katsuki, wake up and go to your room," she said, shaking him by the shoulder.

"Shut up."

"No, I won't. We have to get ready for school. Plus, if someone sees you here, they're going to assume things."

"Let them."

"Katsuki, wake the fuck up." Yoshiko hissed, sitting up and shaking him more aggressively. His cherry-red eyes snapped open, glaring at her.

"You begged me with googly eyes, 'Oh, Katsuki, please stay with me!'" He mocked in a girlish tone, attempting to imitate her voice. "And now yer tryin' to get rid of me?"

"Firstly, I did not make googly eyes at you." She scoffed. "Secondly, I do not sound like that, and lastly, you're the one that was clinging on to me for dear life the whole night."

"But you liked that." He pushed his hair back, giving her a devilish grin. Yoshiko took a cushion and hit his face with it, ears red.

"Get up now!"

"Ow, ow, ow-" Bakugo tried covering his face with his arm as she hit him with the cushion. "Jeez, I'm up, woman. Stop."

Yoshiko puffed her cheeks out at him as he got out of her bed, yawning and stretching his back. He gave her a lazy smirk before making sure no one was out in the hallway to tip-toe into his room. Yoshiko smiled to herself, going back to the bed and sitting with her hands under her legs. "He's so cuddly."

。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。

Although Yoshiko did not train much for the physical exam, she felt prepared as she stood, waiting for which hero she and Bakugo would be fighting. She knew it was because of the meltdown she had two days ago. She felt clear-minded after that. Yoshiko was busy staring at the sky, zoning out while Aizawa assigned the teams pro heroes and teachers they would be fighting.

Bakugo made a chopping motion over her head, dragging her out of dreamland. Yoshiko blinked, glancing at him and then Aizawa, who gave her an unimpressed stare. "Sorry, what were you saying?"

"I said you and Bakugo will be fighting Endeavor," Aizawa repeated. "After a lot of consideration, we thought he'd be the perfect match for you two since you two are an overpowered match."

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