49- Disappointment

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It had been five days at I-island when Bakugo inspected the different breakfast foods in 7-Eleven, unsure of what to get. He opened his mouth, letting out a big yawn. He picked up a random sandwich and an iced tea. As he was paying for his items, he heard wheels roll past him and glanced back to see Yoshiko with roller skates and headsets on, wearing beige jogger pants and a white crop top. His eye twitched when she skated past him without batting an eye at him.

After paying, he walked up to her, yanking her headsets off. She turned around with a frown, almost as tall as him with the skates on. Her lips quirked up on one side in a smirk, taking her headsets back from him and putting them around her neck. "Hey, pomie. Didn't see you here."

"Since you were too busy with your head in the clouds." He scoffed.

"Aww, someone wants my undivided attention." Yoshiko playfully ruffled his hair, making him swat her hand away with a roll of crimson eyes.

She grinned at him and turned around, picking up a giant chocolate chip cookie. After paying for it, the two went out, sitting on a bench in a nearby park. Bakugo groaned when he saw pickles in the sandwich. "Why do they have to put this shit in everything?!"

"Give 'em to me." She held her cookie wrapper out for him to put the pickles. He made faces as he put the pickles on the wrapper one by one, looking at them as if they were dead rodents.

Yoshiko finished eating her cookie and then ate the pickles Bakugo gave her, swinging her legs back and forth. Bakugo glanced at her skates. "Where did you get these from?"

"Rented them from a skatepark. You wanna try?" She asked, popping the last pickle into her mouth.

"Nah, that's lame." He dismissed. Yoshiko got up from the bench, standing in front of him.

"I bet you don't know how to skate." She challenged, shielding her eyes from the sun. He scowled at her, standing up.

"I'm good at everything!" He crossed his arms across his chest.

"Yeah, that's why you don't want to rollerskate."

"You're so fucking annoying! Take me to the skatepark right now!" And just like that, Yoshiko convinced him to skate with her.

。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。

Bakugo did not, in fact, know how to skate. Yoshiko held her stomach, cackling at him as he fell on his ass for the second time. He growled at her, trying to get up, falling back again instead.

"Look who got caught lying." She snickered.

"Fucking fine! I lied! Now get your ass here and help me up." He yelled.

Yoshiko smirked in satisfaction, skating up to him and holding her hand out for him. He took a second to study the girl towering over him. Her hair was in a high ponytail today, her freckled shoulders glowing from the sunlight. He took her hand, and she hoisted him up.

"Sit there, I'll be back." She pointed at a bench.

"Who said you could order me around." Bakugo scoffed. She rolled her eyes, putting a hand on his chest and pushing him back. He landed on the bench, glaring at her. She blew him a kiss and skated off somewhere.

She returned shortly with a helmet and knee pads. "You're going to fall a lot, so put these on."

"I'm not putting on an annoying helmet." Yoshiko ignored his statement and put the helmet on his head, clicking the buckle under his chin. Bakugo's face heated under her touch. She threw the knee pads in his lap, waiting for him to put them on.

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