67- High

513 28 14

Class 3-A

April 15th

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Yoshiko sat by the window, storing energy for the day as she drank coffee and scrolled through the news app on her phone. Her best friend, Shinsou, sat across from her, also sipping on coffee, lazily looking out the window. He glanced at the girl sitting across from him with her legs brought to her chest, coffee cup in hand, phone in other and deep creases on her forehead.

"You're trying to get forehead lines or what?" Shinsou asked, gaining her attention. She looked up from the screen, sighing and putting it away.

"No," she replied, "The first thing I see when I check the news is missing and dead quirkless people."

"Aren't you guys working on the case?" Shinsou tilted his head, "why is it taking so long to get clues?"

"These guys are smart," Yoshiko muttered under her breath. "They leave no DNA behind. What we did find out is that they recruited new members who happened to be shit at the job. Toko and I caught the group, but they refused to confess. The only person who almost confessed died, so the rest have their mouths sealed."


Yoshiko put the mug on the window sill, resting her chin on her knees. She closed her eyes when a warm breeze hit her face. It was hard to believe it had almost been a year since she joined UA. She reached for her mug again, but her hand did not feel the mug. She looked at Shinsou to see him finishing the rest of her coffee and gave him a pointed look.

"Sorry, thought you didn't want it." He grinned cheekily.

"You're an ass." She huffed.

"Best ass in town."

"Yeah, flat ass." Yoshiko snorted. Shinsou rolled his eyes, giving Yoshiko the empty mug back. She gave him a glare, to which he snickered. She checked the time on her phone, wondering what Bakugo was doing. Maybe he was still sleeping since she and Shinsou kept him up online gaming. He usually got up early and went for a run with her. It was a little late for that now.

"I'm going to start getting ready," Yoshiko said.

"Ugh," Shinsou sank further in his chair, rubbing his eyes. Yoshiko chuckled and ruffled his hair before heading upstairs. Instead of going to her room, she went to one across from hers, knocking on it. She tried twisting the knob, but the door was locked. When she got no response, she whipped her phone out of her pocket and rang Bakugo's number. She could hear his default iPhone ringtone from the other side of the door. He attended after a few rings.

"What?" Came his deep and sleepy voice.

"You're running late for school, princess. Open the door."

"No. I wanna sleep."

"Open the damn door, Katsuki," Yoshiko said. Bakugo ended the call, and Yoshiko heard some shuffling. Bakugo opened the door, shirtless with a hand in his hair, as he lazily looked down at Yoshiko. She stepped inside, closing the door behind her, eyes falling on Bear asleep on Bakugo's bed. So that's where he went.

"I can't believe you were still asleep," Yoshiko said.

"Mmn, yours and Eye Bags fault," He said, pulling her into his chest, forehead on the door behind her. He closed his eyes again. Yoshiko huffed and wrapped her arms around his neck, having to go on tiptoes. The rate at which Bakugo gained more height was astonishing.

ALWAYS || Katsuki BakugoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora