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Oh my goodness just one chapter left before I finally conclude this story. I'm so proud


The Five Pretty Liars And A Handsome One all gathered with their moms at the Hayworth House. After finding Crazy Joe's body they decided to tell their mothers the truth about A.

"So, yeah. " Imogen finished , "That... that about covers it. "

"Yup." Ash said while popping the p.

"The heck?" Audrey was the first mother to respond after hearing what their children had just told them.

   "So, Karen was pushed?" Sidney asked, "And Tyler was..."
   * "Murdered," Tabby replied , " yes. Both by A. "

      "And A is the train car guy?" Marjorie inquired.

     "Crazy Joe." Ash said .

" Joseph England. You all went to school with him. " Imogen elaborated , "He's the one who sent us those creepy text messages and you all those "gifts."

      " It was a classic Agatha Christie revenge plot. " Tabby exclaimed , "He was in love with Angela Waters in high school, and years later, set about punishing the people who were, in his mind, somehow a party to her death. "

    "The sins of the mothers visited upon their daughters. "

   "And the son apperantly." Ash remarked watching how uncomfortable his mom got .

Sidney , Audrey , Elodie , Corey and Marjorie looked at one another recalling the weird ' gifts ' and notes they had gotten.

"Why didn't any of you speak up and tell you has a dangerous stalker?"Audrey asked

"Ms Vega  A threatened us to keep quiet." Imogen said.

"And he was a big guy in a freaky sico mask it was intimidating enough. We didn't want to risk disobeying him if he killed two of our classmates." Ash stated.

"Ash is right ," Faran chipped in , "we were afraid of what he might do if we didn't follow his rules.  After we found Crazy Joe's body, we placed an anonymous call to the police. "

      "We're assuming they found Joe. We're also assuming they assumed it was a suicide. " Imogen stated

        "Very most likely." Ash exclaimed.

"Why kill himself? After everything?" Marjorie asked.

    Tabby shrugged , " We think probably because Imogen busted his ass... discovered his identity, where he was living."

   "Also, maybe... because he accomplished what he set out to do. Test us. Make us suffer. " Imogen added.

""Punish the guilty." His words. " Noa said .

     "So, now it's time for you guys to tell us the truth, the whole truth... about your connection to Angela Waters. "

    "The entire truth." The handsome liar eunicated the words very clearly that they hang heavy in the room..

  The mother's stared at each other before Sidney sighed and began , " We... were bullies... in high school. Horrible, mean girl bullies."

   Ash stared at his mom in disbelief , "you were a mean girl?"

       "Mean girl is an understatement. "  Audrey sighed , "But yes I  was. The easily
pissed off type who lashed out at anyone who got in her path ."

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