Destruction and Hopelessness

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Flora POV

My head was still pounding in pain as I laid in the sad, depressed room all by myself, now regretting some of my decisions.

I left Helia, the Winx, and Specialist to die. I screwed that up. I screwed my relationships with everyone at this academy. My entire life is a mess right now.

Out of nowhere, he appeared.

His dark gaze watching me like a hawk. His eyes were red with anger. But I recognized him.

Headmaster Vortex.

I attempted to get out of bed, only to be pushed down by him.

"You need to rest, agent." He said, his dark voice smoothly said.

"Thanks headmaster." I expressed my gratitude.

"Agent, I'm sorry that I have to tell you this when you're weak, but...I have to get rid of your so-called-friends." He said.

I was shocked beyond words.

"W-w-what d-do y-you have to-get r-rid of them." I stuttered, tears trying desperately not to fall down, to keep my stand.

"I'm sorry agent, it just felt fitting to tell you before I do so."

With that, he walked out of the room.

The tears I've been holding on for way too long escaped. They rolled down my face. First, it was one after the other, then an entire shower of tears streamed down my face in the gloomy room.

I mustered all the strength I had left and got out of bed. I struggled as my arms fought to push myself up.

I began walking, slowly but surely. It was a start.

The walking soon became jogging, then full-blown running. Running to the ones I love. Running to the love of my life, Helia.

I was about a few feet away from the room when I heard evil laughter coming from inside.

I stopped in my tracks, I knew that laugh all too well. It was the headmaster's laugh.

I was too late.

With ba deep breath, I closed my eyes and focused all my strength into opening this barrier which was keeping me away from all of the people I have ever loved.

"Stop!" I yelled as I entered the room out of nowhere.

Everyone looked at me like I was an outcast, I guess they weren't expecting it as I have been...lost in some ways. Then my eyes met his. I almost forgot the feeling I got when I looked into the eyes of an angel.

His eyes were a beautiful ocean. An ocean where I was sailing to reach him, but never could. Then I found out that I wasn't sailing, I was drowning. I was drowning in love. His eyes were so deep that I couldn't bring myself to swim above the waters.

Then, he looked into mine. It was like straight from a storytale.

"Umm..." Stella began, making me and Helia snap out of our trance.

"Oh, uh. Headmaster Vortex, you can't do this!" I shouted at him, turning my gaze to the one I once looked up to.

"And who's going to stop me? You?" He laughed that evil laugh," You can barely stand up, Flora. You're weak. You're pathetic. You are worthless." He said and cackled.

I didn't think. Without a word, I got a gun from my back pocket. And shot. He stood there, frozen., staring into my eyes in disbelief. Headmaster looked into my eyes, but not like Helia's. His was cold and distant. All I saw was a stranger filled with malice.

The sound of the gunshot echoed in the dimly lit room, reverberating off the walls as time seemed to stand still. The metallic taste of fear lingered in the air as I watched in horror as he fell to the ground, clutching his chest where the bullet had pierced his flesh. Blood seeped through his fingers, a stark contrast to the pale skin that was now tainted with the crimson fluid.

Panic set in as I realized the gravity of what I had done. My hands trembled uncontrollably as I struggled to comprehend the consequences of my actions. The gun slipped from my grasp, landing with a heavy thud on the cold, hard ground. Every fiber of my being screamed in protest at the sight before me, a visceral reaction to the violence that had unfolded in front of my eyes.

And then, in a fleeting moment of clarity, I saw it. A glimmer of hope flickered in his eyes, a spark of life that refused to be extinguished. His gaze met mine, a silent plea for mercy etched in the depths of his stare. For a brief instant, I dared to believe that maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for redemption amidst the chaos and destruction that surrounded us.

But as quickly as the hope had bloomed, it withered away. His eyes, once filled with a hint of light, turned cold and empty, a vivid shade of red that chilled me to the core. It was a haunting sight, a reminder of the irreversible damage that had been done, a scar that would forever mark my soul.

Sorry for how long it took to publish this chapter, I'm unmotivated to go on, but I'm trying my best. My posting schedule is now every 2 weeks. I really appreciate the people who wait, it means so much to me that people are interested-I know I say that a lot but it's really true.

Okay, thank you so much aarrii13
you are a fantastic human being, a wonderful person to just talk to. I am so thankful I got to meet you and I hope you're doing well.
Next I want to thank lost_cupcake47
for being incredible and stellar without even trying. This person is just amazing and they deserve so much. Then we go this cool cat-never saying that again, but leccon0602
makes me do the weirdest things cause leccon0602 makes me go wild and this person is so cool and yeah. Of course I can't forget about Shadow_Celeste,I am so lucky  got to meet this person because this person is just so spectacular in every single way. Last but not least-I hope, we got the ever so talented MuhammadAdam2
,and an incredible person and so kind, I don't really talk to this person and I hope I get to do more often, but they are just phenomenal and...yeah. These people are amazing-I don't know how much times I've said that, but they are. You should check them out if you haven't. Check out more of my novels-if you want. Love ya and have an excellent weekend ❤️

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