The Fight

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I actually published on time since I haven't in a while. I hope you enjoy...

Flora POV

Was I scared? Scared of what? This guy? If he didn't scare me 3 years ago, I don't think he'll scare me now. Yes, Sam was talented and all, but c'mon, I'm so much better.

I guess I just get into fights often, especially with this Sam guy. He was here before the mission too. I knew him for years. We used to date. It didn't really work out, meaning I left to go on my mission and met Helia.

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked and got in my fighting stance.

"What do you mean still? You haven't even been here for a while. I've only seen you about twice since you came back." He said and I just shrugged.

We were both in our fighting stances in the dimly lit boxing ring.

My heart pounded with a mix of nerves and excitement to show everyone what I got. Across from me stood Sam, but I was ready for what some people would call a challenge. The crowd was forming as the anticipation for who'd win was getting higher and higher,

With each punch thrown, I felt a surge of adrenaline, my training kicked in as I dodged and countered Sam's every move. The cheers and shouts from the spectators became a distant hum as I focused solely on the dance of combat unfolding before me.

Despite Sam's size and strength, I relied on my speed and agility, landing calculated blows that kept him on the defensive. The rhythm of the fight became a symphony of motion, each strike a note in a composition of determination and skill.

I can't read minds but I could sense Sam's mind was likely filled with fear and anger as I sent...brutal punches straight to his face. I didn't really care though, I just wanted to come out victorious.

As the time passed, my confidence swelled, my movements became more fluid and precise. The audience was slowly watching which gave me a surge of energy to do better and end this once and for all. I delivered the final, decisive blow that sent Sam reeling.

In that moment of victory, as the crowd erupted in cheers, I raised my arms in triumph, a mix of exhaustion and elation washing over me.

Instead of Sam facing defeat gracefully, his face twisted in anger and disgust. He lunged at me, his fist flying in blind rage. I tried to defend myself, nut Sam's blows were relentless. Pain exploded in my temple, and I collapsed to the ground from all the pain, darkness blotting out of my vision.

As I drifted in and out of consciousness, I could hear voices around me , shouting and calling for help. Through the haze of pain, I felt hands gently lifting and carrying me away from the chaos of the ring.

I finally let all the pain end. My eyes closed and I fell into a dark sleep.

I don't know how much time had passed but I felt like I was hit by a bus. My head was pounding. My eyes burst open as the light filled the room. I looked around and I saw that I was in infirmary and was laying in the soft yet very bloody bed. My head was throbbing with pain.

Sam's POV

My heart was pounding in my chest as I struggled against some teachers and students restraining me. My mind raced with fear and adrenaline desperate to break free and escape their grasp. The feeling of helplessness overwhelmed me, which luckily fueled some sparks of determination.

As I finally managed to break away from their hold, my body moved instinctively, running as fast as my legs would carry me. Every step I took was a mix of fear and freedom, knowing that I was now on my own but also aware of the confusion behind me.

My thoughts were a jumble of emotions as I ran, feeling both relief and anxious at my sudden escape. The adrenaline coursed through my veins, making me feel almost invincible-which I know is wrong since my butt was just kicked by the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on.

I never would admit this to anyone, but I still have a fat crush on her. Would she ever forgive me? Probably not. 

I knew Flora would move on, what could I do about it? I also knew where her friends were taken hostage. So I thought that if I rescued them, maybe she would be in awe of me and what I could do.

I sprinted all the way to the room not knowing what was happening. I went in and saw Headmaster Vortex. He had a twisted smirk on his face as he looked at me like a snack-not in a good way like,"He's a hot snack." No like a," Imma eat him snack." My heart was pounding so loud that I'm pretty sure anyone could hear it from 5 miles away. That was all I saw before the world began to fade to black.

Okay, first of all, thank you so much for reading my story, it means the world to me. Also, if you didn't know, I have a new book. It's really serious so if you can't handle that, don't read it. It's called Sacrifice and you'll see just check it out if you want.

Anyway, we have some shout-outs taking place right here, right now. First off we have Bree_42 She's amazing and so very kind, an amazing writer. She's just fantastic. Next off we have iburnrice,she's one of the most beautiful souls I've ever met. She's beautiful inside and out, even though I've never seen her, but I can just tell. Umm what can I say about nanalikook123, there's nothing bad to say? Literally nothing. Whatever, this person is a role model to me. MaheenSA, EwanMcGregorfan19, the-bleach-lover,
I don't know these people that much as I haven't talked to them, but I'm sure they are sick. I would check them out if I were you. All of these people are just amazing and deserve the world. Thank you for reading, love ya ❤️ and have an amazing day!

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