League of Assassins

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Some people might recognize this title, well, this is a real thing in DC, I don't know about  Marvel cause I don't really read Marvel comics but it is a thing in DC. I thought it was cool so I named the school that because it's for assassins. Anyway sorry if you thought I was stealing something, I would never do that knowing these things exist. Hope you enjoy, and please tell me if you're still reading, the last chapter got one view and it really brought my spirit down so please comment down something, anything. Thank you, I would so very much appreciate it. Okay, on to the story...

Flora POV

The next morning, I woke up to the headmaster announcements on the speaker.

"Hello and Morning to everyone. Please head to the cafeteria for breakfast, as you know, you eat with the people who have the same skills as you. Please head there in 5 minutes TOPS." He said, I know he wanted to remind me as I have been gone for several years.

I hurriedly changed with Mel and headed there. When we got there, Mel whispered something into my ear.

"Headmaster told me to tell you that you're sitting over there." She said pointing to the table with the geeks and noobs. I made a desperate look, but that didn't work at all. "See ya later." She said and began to walk to the second highest class.

I tried to hide my face as I was totally humiliated to show that I was weak after being one of the top students. I ran to the table with my lunch and began to eat while the others stared.

"Aren't you the famous Flora, who went on a mission 3 years ago?" A girl with green glasses, black hair asked. We all had the same boring uniform which was just a white jumpsuit with the logo on the right shoulder.

"Yes. '' I said simply, not really caring.

"Why are you sitting among the lowest class students? Weren't you in the highest?" She questioned. She was like a detective, staring into my soul. I didn't give her almost any information and didn't show anything on my outside body language. 
"I'm in the lowest class because I haven't been at the school in a while and some people don't believe in my skills. And I was above the highest darling." I said, a smirk growing on my face. "Oh and, please stop asking me questions, I don't enjoy interrogations." I was proud of myself, I was beginning to turn back into my old self.

Before the girl could say anything, the speaker spoke once again." Okay, head to your classes and Agent Flora, please come into my office." He said and everyone began to leave to go to class.

I was the last to leave and headed to headmaster Vortex's office. I got there and everything seemed really serious as always.

"I asked for you to come here so I could give you the schedule and to tell you your 'friends' from Alfea are here trying to 'rescue' you. Please be aware and head to your first class." He spoke. I bowed to him and left the room.

I headed to my first class, which was sword fighting. One of my favorite classes. 

"Hello Agent Flora, nice to see you came, haven't seen you in a while." THe teacher said. His name was Mr. Holloway, he was also one of my fav teachers.

"Nice to see you too." I said and bowed to him and he bowed back.

"I see you're placed in the lowest section, so you will be training over there. I still can't believe Headmaster Vortex put you in the lowest class, you were my best student. I may be able to change his mind depending on what you present to us today. "He said and then looked at Agent Sam, he was the second best Agent after me before I left for my mission." I want you to fight Agent Sam. " He said and Sam looked ecstatic to say the least.

We got to our position and bowed. "Okay, the first to show blood loss, 3-2-1-GO!" He yelled.

I waited for Sam to attack, but he looked as if he was doing the same strategy as me so I attacked first. I sent an attack towards his legs as a distraction and he fell for it. He quickly got to his lower position and guarded it only for me to stab him in the stomach. Yet he dodged that and tried to hit me in the arm. I backflipped away and moved right back to him. We stood there until he charged at my thigh and was about to slice it when I hit his arm first and dodged his attack. 

All around me were applauses and people congratulating me. I bowed to Agent Sam and he bowed back even though his arm was bleeding.

"My my Flora," Mr. Holloway came up to me," I see you're still good with the sword, but a bit slower than usually, nothing a bit of training will do, I'll put in a word for you to go to the highest class again, or the second. You clearly don't belong on the lowest though." He said and I smiled at him.

"Thank you Mr. Holloway." I said and smiled to him. He smiled back even though no one really smiled in this place. 

"Everyone go back to what we learned yesterday. Lower class, practice your distance and timing. Middle class, practice your techniques. And Highest, practice all the moves we wnt over yesterday. Now go." As everyone hurried I stayed.  He noticed my presence." Flora, please go train with the lowest class as you're supposed to, even if I don't agree with it since you have almost perfect timing and distancing." I didn't want o argue with him so I just went.

I met the same girl from lunch and went to her. I saw her struggling with...holding the sword. I helped her a bit and we began to talk. Turns out, her name is Victoria, but she said I could call her Vicky. She loves nature, not as much as I do, she was put into an adoption center when she was 7 and escaped but was caught by the headmaster and he put her in the school. She was not that bad, she's really funny and we just clicked. Turns out, I'm not going to be utterly alone in class. 

Bloom POV

We just got into Thomas Jefferson's mouth and if I said we were in awe was an understatement. It looked so high tech that even Tecna was with her mouth wide open. 

"So, how do we reach her?" I asked, as it was the thing everyone needed to know.

"I guess we ask." Musa said. I could tell she was a bit tense because her shoulders weren't slouched as normal.

"Well, I guess we have to enter." I said then? Me and the girls entered to find...

Hope you enjoy, pls vote, comment, ... so I know people are interesting, it would make me rly happy. (Also sorry for grammar and other errors, I sort of rushed with this one) Thank you for reading.

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