Just a Normal Day?

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Helia POV

I finally snapped out of my thoughts when the girl of my dreams came walking so gracefully through the door.

Her eyes were looking everywhere but me.

"Flora!" Musa called out.

Flora looked straight at her. His eyes seemed cold and distant, but also like a friend coming back in front of the shadows hidden under.

"Agent Flora. " Flora replied, looking straight into the pits of Musa's soul.

"Sorry, Agent Flora, " Musa sasses," Did you ever plan on telling us  anything? About who you are, your intentions? Speaking of intentions, what were you doing at Alfea in the first place?" Musa said. My eyes looked at Flora, curious about what she had to say for herself.

"I was sent there on a mission. A mission to steal Bloom's Dragon Flame." Flora looked down, it was as if nothing could hit her, she was like stone and we were sand. All soft compared to her hard exterior.

Shocked faces were shown across the entire room. Bloom's face was different. It was as if a chord was struck in her.

Bloom stood up and faced the beautiful beast who made me feel like I truly belonged in a world so cruel and vicious.

"Is that why you question how it worked, what my powers could do, where I was from and all of that. You made me believe you were actually a friend who looked out for me. Now, all of those memories are ruined, because of your mistake." Bloom said.

Flora's eyes twitched at the words escaping Bloom's mouth. She glitched and looked at her. Her eyes looked sincere and broken. SHe didn't want to do this, she didn't have a choice.

"I-I'm sorry." Flora said, her voice broken from all the sobs falling down her soft cheeks.
Even though her voice was broken, it sounded like a distant melody.

Flora ran out of the room leaving us all shocked, and my heart, non-existent.

Flora POV

My heart shattered. It was hard enough seeing their faces, especially him. But Bloom's words hit me so hard, like a nuke coming at me with my back turned away.

Everything came out. My cries were getting more and more consistent. They became louder and louder. Why? Why did I sign up for this? Why did I visit? Why did they come back and try to rescue me?

I skipped the rest of my classes for the entire day as I did not have it in me to fight back.

The rest of the day, I spent writing in my journal, crying, watching and looking at some old pictures of me and the group, crying some more, eating, sleeping, and more crying.

It felt like an endless cycle until it finally came to an end.

Mel walked in, relieving me from the constant stress of being utterly alone. The first thing she noticed was how messy the room is. Then she took one look at me and knew exactly what was going on.

She sat next to me on my bed, and I put my head on her shoulder. She was in the tight uniform, but was stroking my hair and comforting me to the best of her abilities, and her abilities were amazing-if I do say so myself, and I do.

"It's okay. You're okay. That's the past, it was all fake. I'm sorry dear, but you have to accept the fact that it was all a mission." She said, and continued to stroke my back in circles, attempting to calm me down.


"I'm sorry you have to go through this." She said,

I calmed myself down before speaking. "I wish this was all a big dream that I could just wake up from. I was never ready to get out of Alfea and come back, I never finished." I said, now beginning to realize.

"But were you ever going to be ready?" She asked. I thought about it, and no. I was never going to be ready to come back. I wanted to stay with the girls and guys. I wanted to graduate, I wanted to move out, I wanted to marry him, I wanted to live with him, I wanted to have kids with him.

"No." I answered after being silent for a few minutes.

She looked at me blankly and went back to rubbing circles on my back. My eyes began to close, slowly but surely. I finally slept, on Mel's shoulders.

I woke up startled by someone shaking me. I looked up and saw Mel staring at me.

"Good morning to you too." I said sarcastically.

"We have classes today." She said. She picked up her bag with all her weapons and stuff and headed for the door.

"We already missed breakfast so head to your first period class." She informed me and ran out the door.

"Ugh." I groaned and rolled out of bed, on purpose.

I got my stuff that Mel packed for me, yeah she's awesome, and sprinted out the door.

I headed to my first class, which was boxing. I put on my gear which wasn't a lot since it would be light boxing.

"Okay class. Today you will be getting together with your partners and learning the basic movements. You should have done your research as homework and now get into partners." He said and left.

I stood there and he came up to me.

"Never seen you here before, new student?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No, I was the best fighter here untilI went on a mission for about 2 years, you must be new. And my name is Agent Flora." I said and bowed to him.

"Mr. Issac." He greeted and bowed back."And yes, I am new. I guess I'll be your partner today, just so you can learn the ropes again." He said and headed to the ring.

"Don't go easy on me. Try your hardest." I said and smirked.

"Is that a challenge I hear?" He asked.

"Oh yeah." I said and got into a fighting stance. "Come at me." I said.

He jumped at me, not literally. He attempted to punch me in the face, while I kicked him in the stomach. It seemed to do some damage, but not enough.

I came at him with a fake punch and he blocked it leaving his legs open. I came down and kicked him in the legs, knocking him down in less than 20 seconds.

I stuck my hand out, helping him up and he just looked at me shocked.

"Why are you in the lowest class?" He asked.

"Headmaster Vortex specifically told me to be here. He told me to come to all the lowest classes." I informed.

His mouth was left open, I mean who's wouldn't be.

Sam, the person who I fought with at the swords class 2 days ago, was training here. He saw me do my magic with my boxing and so he came over.

"So, you're good at boxing too? Wanna fight?" He asked. How could I say no.

"Sure, if you're up for it?" I threw the sass right back at him.

"Okay, let's see what you got girlie. " He said and I smirked. Oh, he was dead meat.

What do you think? I'm trying to work more on how I can write better. I don't think this chapter was as good as the last one, but you know...yeah. Also thank you so much for reading last chapter if you did. So many people read it in less than a day. It made my heart flutter, literally. I slept like s queen that day. Anyway, thank you so much for reading. I don't really have anything to say. Just Love ya and have a good night/evening/morning/ whatever time period you're on ❤️

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