What Does that Mean?

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Flora POV

I have always been the quiet girl. I always sat alone at my old school in Linphea. Today I will begin my first day at the Alfea College for Fairies. I didn't really want to go in the beginning but then I realized how much this could help me in my career path.

I had just entered the garden and waited for something to happen, as everyone was told to wait outside. I later saw an old woman wearing blue and next to her was another old woman but she didn't have white hair, her hair was a light brown, but not too light, her hair was about shoulder height and she had a stern look on her face. The older women stepped up and began talking.

"Hello all, I am Miss Faragonda, and I'm sure you noticed this woman behind me." The older woman who was Miss Faragonda said. There were a lot of mhm's heard, or the word yes being heard. "So this is Ms. Griselda and welcome all to the college for fairies. This year we will be learning about spells, potions, basics of magic, and Transformix. You each are assigned a dorm, go check with Ms. Griselda to see where your dorm room is." Miss Faragonda pointed to a desk and soon enough, many students lined up. I quickly ran to the line and waited for my turn.

"Next." Ms. Griselda's cracked voice said. I hurriedly went towards her and Ms. Griselda looked me up and down, which made me really self- conscious. "And who may you be?"

I quickly answered," My name is Flora, Flora Lavender." I said, quietly. She looked down at her paper saying names until she found mine.

"Ah yes, Flora of Linphea, your dorm is number 118, it's on the second floor, to the right." Ms. Grisleda said and I quickly left the table, not without thanking her of course.

I went up the stairs and heard some commotion from inside. I opened the dorm to see 4 girls. They were all unpacked and I walked in, trying to be as quiet as possible.

"Oh, hello." A voice said. I turned around to see a girl with long red hair. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of blue, she was wearing a mini skirt and a top. "I didn't think they were going to make 5 people sleep in a room together." She giggled and I awkwardly giggled a bit.

"Oh. M-my name is F-Flora." I said and let my hand out to shake her hand. Her arm extended forward.

"My name is Bloom. Oh I just remembered, you will be sleeping with me, it's on the door. You good with that?" She asked and it kind of surprised me.

"I'm okay with that, thank you." I thanked her and she just grabbed my hand showing me the way to the room.

"So, what planet are you from?" I guess she noticed my worried expression since she made a sincere look." Sorry, I'm a bit nosey and I just really like to meet new people." She said and I giggled.

"Okay so in that case, I'm from Linphea." I said, not embarrassed about where I am from." How about you?" I asked, trying to make a conversation.

"I've never heard of Linphea, actually I didn't even know I had magic until a day or so ago. I'm from earth." Bloom said and she blushed.

"That's so cool, I've never seen earth. How did you even find out you had magic, you said you didn't know you had magic, what changed?" I said, surprising myself at my confidence.

"Well, this girl Stella, she's the princess of Solaria... at least that's what she told me. So technically she was on earth fighting off this ugly ogre and I noticed her, I have this rabbit." As soon as Bloom said that, a rabbit appeared in her hands." This is Kiko, so this ogre, he was trying to grab Kiko and I used my powers. Stella told me my fear and my love for Kiko triggered my powers, but I'm not really sure. I forgot to introduce you to the others, would you like to meet them?" She asked me and I just nodded, maybe I would enjoy my stay here at Alfea.

She grabbed my hands once again and brought me to a room. In the room I saw a girl with short pink hair and another girl with 2 pigtail, blue hair. The girl with pink hair got up as soon as she looked at me."So, my name is Tecna and this is Musa. May you please tell us what your name is?" The pink haired girl, called Tecna said. The blue haired, who is called Musa, just shrugged.

"W-well, m-my name is...F-Flora." I stumbled but ignored it.

"Hello Flora, it's really nice to meet you." Tecna the pink haired said.

"Same." The blue haired Musa said.

"Likewise." I said, trying to keep it short."Is that everyone?" I asked Bloom and she just shook her head no.

"Follow me." She said and I waved back to both girls while I just followed Bloom. We finally made it to the room.

"There are 2 more people?" I asked, since there is a whole other room.

"No, this is where Stella lives, the one I told you about." She said and I quickly remember. And I just gave her an understanding look. Bloom knocked on the door and about 15 seconds later, a blonde came out with a pair of beautiful amber eyes. She was wearing a green top and an orange mini skirt and sandals (Winx Club season 2).

"Oh hello, you must be Flora. I tried searching your name on every social media platform, but couldn't find you. Sorry, that sounds kinda weird, but anyway, I'm Stella and a bit nosey." She giggled and I was sorta flustered at the new found information.

"As you know, I'm Flora." I brought my hand out to shake but she gave me a puzzled look.

"Why is your hand out?" She asked. Bloom interrupted since for the past 3 minutes, she has been doing absolutely nothing.

"She wants to shake your hand." Bloom put simply, which was way too simple for Stella.

"Why?" Stella asked.

"It's a way of greeting people, new people specifically." Bloom informed Stella.

"Oh...okay."She shook my hand and me and Bloom went to OUR room.

"Soo....how did you like everyone?" Bloom inquired.

"They are very nice, but Stella threw me off a bit with her...stalking" I uttered.

"Yeah, Stella just tries to understand who she meets, since she wants to make a good impression,"Bloom answered.

I nodded and we continued the day. Me and the girls got closer over time, yet I never told them my "secret". A few years have passed and me and the girls had no secret, except for mine.

I was out of my Biology class, walking alongside the Winx when I collapsed to the ground. Bloom quickly ran over to me.

"Flora, a-ar-are you okay." She asked worriedly.

I didn't want to be a bother, so I lied." No, I'm fine bloom, thank you for the concern, but I just tripped over my feet. You know me clumsily as ever." I giggled to stop my ramble.

I got up and kept on walking, while the Winx kept a close eye on me. I wasn't really good at lying, that's what everyone told me at least. So I didn't look back at the Winx, keeping my eyes fixed on wherever we were going. I stumbled once again becoming very dizzy, Musa came up running to me this time. She looked into my eyes and I could see horror written all over her face.

"F-Fl-Flora...y-y-your eyes. T-they're...green." Musa said, and when she said that, I knew exactly what she was talking about and I lied, again.

"They have alway been green, you've just never noticed. Maybe it's because of the sunlight, or just the natural lighting and...I'm just going to shut up now." I rambled. Stella came closer and examined my eyes.

"Yeah, those are definitely not natural, I would know. I have every different type of eye color memorized." Stella said, and we didn't question her.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Bloom asked, now getting involved.

" Yeah, yeah. I just really need to see Ms. Faragonda, urgently." I said and they just looked at each other and nodded.

All of the girls, except Stella, helped me get up and walk into Ms. Faragonda's office.

"Ms. Faragonda." Bloom called out, trying to get her attention.

Hey everyone, this is my first ever Winx fanfic. Not going to lie, I've read many stories and they all helped to give me ideas for this one. Hope you enjoyed!

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