Where Did She Go?

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Stella POV

I ran towards an unconscious Flora while the other girls were busy fighting off the men. I felt so bad, how could I let that happen, my magic had a mind of its own. I stayed close to Flora using myself as a body shield.

"Musa" I called. She looked to my side and saw Flora passed out on the floor.

"Stella, what did you do!" Musa said, she sounded angry. I never really saw her losing control." Stella, she was weak, if you used a powerful spell, you could've killed her."

I now thought of what I did. I threw a very powerful spell. She might be barely alive."I-I'm...s-s-sorry" I stumbled out.

Musa ran towards Flora's body and checked her pulse."It's really faint." She said, I was now petrified. I began crying while the other girls were fighting for their lives.

Bloom was on the ground too, she was barely conscious. These men were really tough, they didn't even have magic.

I left Flora's side and Musa brought her to the infirmary. I helped fight with the other girls. I threw spell after spell, yet they were all being dodged or having no effect. When we were all on the ground. One of the men spoke out.

"Give us Flora." His voice was muffled as he was wearing a mask over it.

"Why do you want Flora?" I asked and the other girls agreed.

"She has something we want." He put it simply.

"You can't have her." Bloom said, her voice was angry and I could see a fire behind her eyes. Before Anyone could do anything, a dragon came out of Bloom and began attacking the men.

The men drew out their swords and easily stopped the attack.

"Wh-H-how?" Bloom was speechless. No one was ever able to block that attack.

"Give us Flora and no one has to get hurt." He said. As if on cue, a weak Flora came out running.

"I-I'm here...j-just please...don't hurt them." She was out of breath and barely standing.

"Flora you can't go."Musa yelled and we all begged her to think about this, but it seems like she already has.

"Sorry girls, my job here is done, I have to go." Flora said and willingly went to the men.

They put a syringe in her while she just made a face, she was clearly in pain, her eyes went back to normal, as if they sucked the power from her. She fell into their arms and they disappeared, with Flora.

"Sh-she-she's... gone." I said, tears escaping my eyes.

"She's not dead, why would they kill her if they wanted her." Bloom informed me.

"I don't know Bloom." Tecna said. "There is about 69.738% that they wouldn't kill her."

"I'm willing to take this calculation Tecna, we're doing this for Flora. You know Flora wouldn't hurt anyone, she can barely defend herself." Bloom said. Technically it wasn't true, Flora barely hurt anyone during any of our fights.

"I guess." Musa shrugged.

"So, are we going to go look for Flora?" I asked, not getting what they meant.

"Is that even a question?" Bloom asked.
"Yeah it is." I said, annoyed at Bloom.

"Stella, it's a saying. That's not what it actually means. It's something like...sarcasm." Tecna said, trying to make me understand.

"Whatever, let's get looking." I said and they all looked at me." What?"

"We don't know where to look." Musa said.

"...right" I remembered."How do we look for her?" I said and looked at Tecna.

"Well, we could track her powers, she was radiating a lot of energy when her eyes were glowing." Tecna said. We were still outside and it was 5 in the morning.

Musa was about to say something when I interrupted her."Why can't we go inside, it's cold out here." I said and they all agreed.

When we went inside, Musa continued her thought.
"As I was saying, they put a syringe in her which made her eyes go back to their normal color, so she might not have her powers at this second."

"So what do you inquire?" Tecna said and Musa continued.

"Well... I could locate her by her voice, if she is talking right now, I could sense her." Musa said, to all of our surprise.

"I don't know you could do that." I said and she just shrugged, typical Musa.

"Well what are we waiting for, lets go have a chat with Ms. Faragonda." Bloom said, since today is a Thursday, we have classes. 

We followed Bloom into Ms. Faragonda's office.

"Hello girls." She said, "What brings you here this early." She then looked at us one by one."Where's Flora?" She questioned.

"Well, about an hour ago, these men wearing black clothes, with no powers, came looking for Flora. Their outfits were terrible..." I began saying and we all shouted her name, "Sorry, they were really bad." I said and they all rolled their eyes at me.

Ms. Faragonda got out of her chair and looked at the window. We followed her gaze to the forest outside.
"Did you girls find a way to find her?" She asked and we nodded yes.

"Musa is using Flora's voice to look for her." Bloom Said and we all just nodded.

"And I'm guessing you won't be able to attend classes." She hypothesized.

"Accurate." Tecna said.

"Well, get going. Bring our Flora back." She said and we all waved bye to her.

We went back to our dorm and began packing for the trip while Musa sat on the couch trying to listen for Flora's voice.

We called the guys and they said they would be here in about 10 minutes. Musa let out a huge gasp and we all came running to her.

"What?" I asked.

"I-I... I found her." Musa said and we all sighed a huge relieved breath that no one knew they were holding.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. I tried really hard on this chapter. I would love to hear what you think about.

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