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"Are you going to kill him?"

We're on the way back from Gabriel's funeral. It's simply organized, nothing extravagant. Xavier looks relieved the second it's over. Finally, his twin gets a proper burial and puts to rest surrounded by family.

"Will you let me to?" He grunts in irritation. We're talking about Ezio and just like that, the atmosphere shifts uncomfortably. I try to ignore it. I need to know if killing Ezio is his endgame.

"Definitely not." I am surprised by the certainty in my voice. It's even terrifying to imagine things like that happen to him. I think I'm getting emotional because of the funeral.

"Someone's feeling protective." Despite his mock, he seems pretty exhausted by the morning events. He slowly shuts his bloodshot eyes and leans back on the backseat of the SUV, clearly not in the mood for my questions.

"I don't want you two killing each other." I reveal, turning my body slightly to him and watching his lips curl up a little bit.

"What? Will you be sad if your precious boyfriend finally gets to kill me?"

"No one needs to die." I emphasize, finding the courage to voice my mind.

He scowls at me like I'm saying the most ridiculous thing in the world. "Ezio Salucci deserves to die."

I try not to wince at the harshness of his tone. For ten minutes or fifteen, I let the silence engulf us and divert my gaze over the tinted windows. The trees on each side of the road become blurry as the SUV speeds through, heading back to the mansion located in the middle of nowhere. Criminal minds think alike.

Xavier is most likely falling asleep, yet I can't help but ask another question that's bothering my mind.

"Are you going to kill me, too, in the end when I'm no longer useful to you?" The whisper is barely audible, simply a wonder I know he won't answer.

But he surprises me with a grunt, "no."

I gaze back at him with deep curiosity, "why?"

His eyes abruptly open and they regard me with a complete annoyance. "Stop with the fucking questions, hermosa. I don't have the patience right now."

I hold my chin high and test him further. "Did you forget I tried to kill you?"

"Jesus, mami. You sure give me a headache." He mutters under his breath. "And no, I didn't forget your lil stunt."

"Then, why—"

"I simply don't want you dead, okay?" He grits out, looking like he's a second away to lose his mind if I won't stop asking.

I sit back on my seat, face forward as I'm digesting what he means by that. Fuck. Does he just admit that he cares? When did he start to care? He only knows me for ten days.

"That's fucked up." I breathe out, not realizing I say the words out loud.

"I know," is his reply to that.


For the rest of the day, I don't see him in the house. As though he intentionally avoids me like a plague. I'm more than okay with that. I should be. But there's this gnawing on my chest, a foreign unease I'm not certain what to feel anymore.

It's not pity though somewhat feels like it.

It's confusing and making my head spin the more I think about it.

The guilt is eating me alive as Ezio comes into the picture. It seems like I betray him for some unknown reason.

Fucking feelings.

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