Chapter 12

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"Pulllllll!!!!! Jenny! Pullllll!" Bora yelled as she pulled the whip with all force. Jenny also held Bora's whip and pulled it with all force.
A few times later, a giant fish came outside the pond.
"Wow! Look at the size!!" Bora said as she held its tail and pulled it off the ground.
"Taehyung. Wanna touch it?" Bora said jokingly as she acted to throw the fish at him.
"Yah! Don't you dare! I just came here just to accompany you! Don't get me involved in this! And! And! Take it away from me!" Taehyung yelled at Bora as he ran away.
Laughing like a pig, Bora threw the fish in the water again.
"Wow. What a day! Can't believe we came here to fishing like we used to do." Jenny sighed a relief as she rested her hands on her waist.
"It feels like those old days." Bora said as she continued to look at the big pond in front of them.
"Guys I know you guys are emotional right now. But I think we really should go now. It's going to be dark soon." Taehyung said in a concerned voice.
"What happened? We used to stay here till the evening. Remember?" Bora said to light up Things mood.
"The situation is not the same now,  Bora." Taehyung said with a sigh.

As they were walking across the woods, Bora saw that Taehyung was walking in front of them a little distance away. So Bora asked Jenny in a low tone, "Did something happen? Why does Taehyung look so tense?"
"Oh it's just. Something is happening in the town. Like burglary. You weren't here so we didn't say anything to you as we didn't want you to be afraid." Jenny answered in a low tone as they continued to walk.
"Burglary!? In our town!? Impossible!" Bora said in a low yet shocked tone.
"I know it's hard to believe. People are guessing that those guys aren't from here. They are outsiders. Those things started to happen just 3 months before you came back here. But it's not a big deal because in these 3 months, there was only one victim. Don't worry." Jenny said.
Bora nodded as they continued to walk.
"Forget about this. What about you and Jungkook?" Jennie asked in a teasing tone as she blinked her eyes.
"W-what about us!?" Bora said as shw looked away while blushing like a tomato.
"Aish!Aish! Look who is blushing!" Jennine continued to tease Bora and Bora held head and shook it as she ran away while laughing.
Seeing them Taehyung said with a straight face, " What am I going to do with these kids!? "

Jungkook was in his kitchen making dinner, when he heard the main door is geting unlocked.
Jungkook knew who was it, so he didn't even look up in the direction and said, " Sweet evening my Sugar. "
"Sweet evening my Bunny." Bora said as she took off her jacket and placed it on the dining chair.
Jungkook raised eyebrows and said, "Hum. Are you drunk Sugar?".
"No. Why?" Bora asked with a laugh.
"Oh no. It's not normal to be get nick name from you." Jungkook said with a laugh as he continued to cook.
"Yah! You think only you know how to give compliments? I also know how to give compliments!" Bora said with a proud tone.
"Okay. Okay.How was the fishing?" Jungkook asked as he finally looked up to meet her eyes.
"Good. Too good! We catched a big fish. Like this." Bora said as she tried to give Jungkook the idea of the length of the fish by expanding her tiny arms.
Jungkook couldn't help but giggled at her cute behavior.
"I see." He said as he looked down to cook again.
"Jungkook. People are saying that there is burglary happening in our town." Bora said in a worried tone as she came next to Jungkook.
"Yeah. I heard that too." Jungkook said with a worrid tone.
" What's with that face? Hey! Are you afraid that they will steal something from you!? Come on man! You are Jungkook! Your one punch can make them fly!" Bora said while being dramatically excited as she tried to lift up Jungkook's mood.
" Sugar. Just. Be careful for this time being. " Jungkook said as he turned off the oven and came closer to Bora.
Bora scoffed and said," What will happen to me?  You know that I am a strong girl." Bora said as she showed her biecepes to him.
Jungkook let out a small chuckle and said, " Yes. I know you are my strong Sugar. But still. Be careful." Jungkook said he carressed Bora's head.
Then his eyes shifted to Bora's neck and he saw the pendant hanging in her neck.
"You are wearing it?" Jungkook asked in a soft tone as he held the pendant.
"Yeah. I mean someone special gave it to me." Bora said with a smile.
"And who is that special person? Aish. I am so jealous." Jungkook said as he made a frown.
Bora said nothing as she giggled and kissed Jungkook's temple as she held his head and made it a little lower to kiss it.

"I think these bracelets look perfect." Bora said as she smiled and looked at the sales girl.
"Okay, Mam. I will make two of it then. Two names will be carved on the individual bracelets. One is Jimin and the other is Bunny. Right?" The girl asked.
"Yes. And I will get that within the week right?" Bora asked.
"Yes mam." The girl said with a smile.
Bora gave out a satisfied smile and looked at Jenny who was already looking at Bora.
"Excited?" Jenny asked while walking with Bora and Bora nodded.
"So do I. I wish Taehyun also came with us. He missed this. Aish this boy is always busy with his cafe!" Jenny said in a excited voice.
"However, so you are actually going to propose to Jungkook on his birthday!? Wow! My girl is big now." Jenny asked.
Bora said nothing as she shrugged her shoulder and gave out a boxy smile.
While driving the car, the sun was setting down and they were returing from the city.
Suddenly Bora lost her ability to control the steering as she felt the tires got puncherd.
Bora somehow managed to stop the car and both of them came outside. Their eyes widened as they saw there were pieces of glasses all over the road.
"Someone did this intentionally." jenny said as she looked at Bora with scared eyes.
"Let's go from here." Bora asked as she held Jenny's hand.
"Not so early, girls. You can leave once you give us all you have." Two boys said as they came out of the bushes from behind.
Bora looked back with a frown as she held Jenny's palm tightly.
Bora saw that they weren't men, they were boys, like teenagers. But Bora didn't do any argument with them as she saw knives in those boys hand.
"Okay. Fine. Fine. Here. Have it." Bora said as she started to give them her earing, watch, wallet and even her phone. Jenny did the same as they understood that fighting won't help the situation.

After giving them almost everything, Bora and Jenny stood silently as they saw the satisfaction on those boys face.
"Can we leave now? We promise we won't tell anyone anything." Bora said as she held Jenny behind her.
"Fine. You guys can go.... Wait, that's look like a diamond." A boy came closer to Bora and held the pendant with the tip of the knife.
"Give it to us and leave." The boy said.
Bora immediately held the pendant and moved back as she shook her head and said,"No! Not this! I gave you everything you asked. Please please let us go now. "
As they saw Bora moving backwards,they immediately held Bora's hand and said, "Give it to us!"
Shaking her head as no, Bora pushed the boy away. Another boy tried to get Bora scared with the knife but Bora tried to fight back.
The fight continued for some time and on the other hand Jenny started to shout loudly to gather people, even though she knew that this was the one and only entrance to the town and this place becomes remote after the sunset. One of the boys saw Jenny shouting like this and ran towards Jenny with his knife.
But before he could do anything Bora held the boy's hands with both of her hands as she tried to free the knife from his grip. While fighting like this, the second boy came from behind while shouting with his knife and before Bora could process anything she found her stomach was bleeding while the knife was still in her stomach.
Tears left Bora's eyes and sweat beads  on her forhead as she looked up to match the boy's eyes whom stabbed her.
Bora saw that the boy also got scared. Maybe because they didn't intend to stab someone. The boy immediately left the knife and stepped back being shocked.
"Run!" The first boy yelled as he took the second boy's hand and tried to run into the bush again. But the second boy clentechd his jaw as he came forward and took the pendant from Bora's neck with one snatch, making Bora's neck bleed with a cut. Then they ran into the bushes again.
Holding the knife in her stomach, Bora stepped back. She slowly sat down on the road while the pain causing tears to flow continuously. Even though Bora held the cut tighty to prevent blood flow but she failed as blood continued to flow. Bora's dress and even the road got bloodly by the continuous flow of the blood.
"Oh my God!" Jenny said as her face showed shock and fear.
"What am I going to do!? Oh God!" Jenny said as she didn't even have her phone to call someone. Jenny clutched her hair tightly and looked in every direction like a mad person.
"Calm down. I don't think it's a deep cut. Can you drive?" Bora asked in a very low tone as she was about to faint due to massive pain caused by the stab.
"Yeah. Yeah. Wait." Jenny said as she tried to regain her conciousness and walked over the car luckily the car door was open. So without wasting time, Jenny carried Bora inside the car and made her lay on the passenger's seat behind the driver's seat and buckled up her belt to drive in a full speed.

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