Chapter 3

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"What does he think of himself!? I thought maybe he changed a bit. But look! He is still the same! Why did I even think to behave with him nicely? Bora thought to herself as she entered the cafe.
She roamed her eyes in the cafe and saw Taehyung at the cash counter doing some work as she noticed a frown on his face.
Tip toeing, Bora stood in front of the counter and said, "What's up Mister Bear?"
These words were enough to draw Taehyung's attention.
As soon as he heard those familar words and voice, he immediately stopped working at and looked up. As their eyes met, Taehyung screamed in excitement as he jumped out of the cash counter and hugged her.
"Jenny! Appa! Look who is here!! Bora why didn't you tell us about your coming!?" Taehyung said as he still hugged her tightly.
Jenny came from the kitchen with a frown but as soon as she saw Bora she jumped in joy as she hugged Bora from behind.
"You guys are going to choke me to death. I can't breath!" Bora said in a low tone.
Breaking the hug, they looked at Bora with excited eyes. Bora saw Uncle Kim aka Taehyung's father coming. Bora said in excitement while running towards uncle Kim and hugged him.
" I need pancakes. And then I will start my gossip with you guys. I badly need Uncle Kim's pancake!". Bora said loudly.
"Aigoo. My kid is still a baby. Wait here. I will make you guys pancakes." Uncle Kim said as he went to the cafe's kitchen.
"Here. It's hot so eat carefully." Uncle Kim said as he ruffled Bora's hair.
"So!? How was coming back here!?" Taehyung asked in a excited voice as he sat at opposite of Bora and Jennie.
"Good. I am here now. Forever!" Bora said as she ate a big piece of pan cake.
"Omg!I am so excited. We will go fishing on sunday like we used to go!" Jennie said as she hugged Bora again.
" That would be so much fun! Oh shoot!! I will be late if I stay here any longer." Bora said as she got up.
"I will contact you guys later. And... Yes! Tae! Give me a bottle of Banana Milkshake." Bora said as she took the last bite of the pancake.
As Taehyung gave her the bottle of banana milkshake , Bora hugged them for last time and said, "Tell uncle. I loved Pancake.I am in a hurry. I will meet you guys again. See you guys later. It's kinda my first day at work. I hope I don't disappoint my brother."
"Okay! Fighting!" Both Taehyung and Jennie yelled.
"Fighting!" Bora said as she gave them answer with same energy.
Coming out of the cafe, Bora sighed and saw Jungkook at the opposite side of the cafe, in the Petrol pump.
"Catch it." Bora said as she tossed the bottle at Jungkook and Jungkook caught it.
"Wow. You really got me banana milkshake? I was just teasing you." Jungkook said with a smirk.
"Then give it back to me." Bora said with a stern tone as she extened her hand to take the bottle back.
"Hey. Hey. I was just kidding, Sugar. You really got temper, huh?" Jungkook said with a chuckle as he poked his index finger on Bora's temple.
"You know it's not hard for me to get under your skin. Bamboo." Jungkook said with a chuckle.
"Don't you dare to call me by that name!! My brother has only right to call me that! Not a third person like you!" Bora yelled at him as she jerked off Jungkook's hand with rage.
"Third person? Me? To you? To Jimin?" Jungkook asked as his voice turned sharp, cold. He narrowed his eyes as he clenched his jaw and said, "What made you think that I am a third person to you?" Jungkook asked in a sharp tone as he stepped closer to Bora.
Seeing Jungkook invading her space, Bora stepped back.
Seeing Jungkook's this side after a long time, her breath hissed but she said while controlling her emotions," To Jimin? Well no. To me? Well yes. You are a third person. "
Jungkook frowned at Bora's comment.
Jungkook spoke as he stopped Bora stepping back by holding her wrist and pulled her closer,
" Let me tell you something. I am glad that you think that I am Jimin's close one. And that's true cause I am his best friend since high school and the wooden furniture your brother's company makes, well my dad's company provides them chemical to make and secure those furnitures. So, I am your brother's official business partner as those chemicals come here under my supervision.
But what you said at the second point, well that really hurt me. Listen Sugar. You asked to stop calling you by that name. Okay. I promise I won't call you with that name again. I am sorry that I went too far teasing you.But don't say that I am a third person to you. Cause even though you think that I am a third person to you, I think of you as my most closed one. And I want to be your close one too. " 
Jungkook's voice was calm yet angry. Jungkook finished his words as he looked deeply into Bora's eyes and spoke again, " Did I make myself clear, Sugar? " Jungkook asked in that same tone.
Feeling the tension in the air, Bora wanted to escape the situation so she said, " y-y-yes."
"Good. But still. Those words hurted me a lot." Jungkook said as he let her hand go.
"Get on the bike we are going to Jimin's office." Jungkook said without looking at Bora.
Without making a fuzz, Bora got on the bike and sat behind him.
While Jungkook drove his bike, Bora noticed that Jungkook didn't even speak anything to her or even looked at her as she saw Jungkook's clenched jaw on rear view mirrior.
Bora understood that she got Jungkook angry, which isn't good thing. But the problem is how she should make up for him now.

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