Chapter 1.

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"Three cheers for our group!"
"Hip Hip Hooray!!!!" A bunch of students exclaimed in joy while throwing their graduation cap in the air.
"We did it. It feels like yesterday."  Bora said as she took her flower bouquet from the benche near her.
"Yeah. I can't believe it's over now." A girl said while resting her head on Bora's shoulder.
They looked at the other students. Some were crying, some were laughing, some were taking pictures of them to capture their memory.
Bora sighed relief as she looked at the scene.
" So, what's your plan now? " The girl said while looking at Bora after taking her head away from Bora's shoulder.
"Mia. You know my plan." Bora said as she looked at her.
"Bora. You gotta be kidding me. You were serious about settling in your home town?" Mia asked in a worried tone.
"Yeah.I mean. Why not? " Bora asked.
"Nothing. It's just. It's kinda odd to settle in home town after getting a degree from a prestigious college of this city." Mia said.
"Well. My plans are different. The city isn't a place for people like me. I want to go back and continue my peaceful life. Plus. I came here to study bussiness so I can handle my family business. So you can see that I came here with a plan." Bora said as she closed her eyes and took deep breath.
"Everyone gather in front of the stairs of College!" Someone announced the stament and Bora came to her conscious.
"Let's get up then!" Bora said with energy as she stood up and grabbed Mia's hand before running towards the stairs of college.

5 days later.
Bora packed her bags and looked back at her dorm room for last time. Smiling with sadness, Bora came out of the dorm building and went to the bus stop.
Bora sat on the window seat of the bus. As the bus started to move, she closed her eyes to take a nap as the soft winds touched her face. She was happy and eager to meet his beloved brother Jimin. Bora still remembered how afraid she was when she first came to the city, alone. Bora used to thought how she will be able to live alone in this big city. And look at her now.  Bora was a grown 21 year old girl who was returning to her home town, alone with confidence as now she was ready to work hard to take care of her family business.

5 hours later.
Bora's nap was disturbed as she felt the bus stopped with a jerking. She opened her eyes with a frown and saw that the bus reached it's last stopage, her home town.
Bora's frown quickly got replaced with a smile as she hurriedly came out of the bus and looked around the bus stop to find her brother.
" Surprise." Someone said covering Bora's eyes from behind.
Bora knew who was it as she quickly looked back and smiled widely as she hugged that person without wasting any moment.
"Oppa. I missed you." Bora said while still hugging Jimin.
"I missed you too. No. No. I missed you more. My bamboo." Jimi said as he patted her head.
"Let's go now." Jimin said as he took Bora's bag and started to walk towards his car.
The car ride was filled with Bora's continuous talking as she was telling every single detail about her college even though she told him those things before. It's like she wants Jimin to know every moments of her college life.
As they reached home, Jimin took Bora inside and stood in front of their parent's cremation urn. Bora stood there silently as she looked down.
" I wish they were here." Bora said in a cracked voice.
" So do I wish." Jimin said as she hugged Bora to comfort her.
"Don't worry sweetie. I am sure that they are happy where ever they are. They are happy about your success. Don't feel sad." Jimin said in a comforting tone.
Bora nodded as she broke the hug and looked at Jimin with a smile with teary eyes.
"Okay. Now. Go fresh up. And I will make some pancakes." Jimin said.
"Pancakes!?" Bora asked in a exciting tone.
Jimin nodded proudly at her question.
"I am going to get fresh now. I am hungry. Don't be late!" Bora said as she rushed towards her room.
"Okay but how many pancakes do you want to eat?" Jimin asked in a teasing tone.
"5 no 10....uh! You know what!?Make a lot of pancakes !" Bora said as she closed her room's door.
Jimin chuckled and went to make pancakes in the kitchen.
At night while having dinner,
Jimin asked, " By the way did they know that you are coming here? Taehyung and Jennie were asking about you as they weren't able to contact you for a few days.".
Bora said while shaking her head, " No. They don't know that I am here. I am going to meet Taehyung and Jennie tomorrow. I want to see their reaction. That's why I asked you to keep your mouth shut about my appearance here!" Bora said with a giggle.
Jimin responsed with a chuckle and said," Well. Do as your wish but come to factory before 1 o' clock in the afternoon. I want to show you, your part in work there. Okay?" Jimin asked.
"Okay boss!" Bora said like a true employee.

At morning.
It was cold at morning. And it's more cold in hometown.
"Hala Jamal Jamala Jamaloo Jamal Kudu. Oye!
Jamal Jamala Jamaloo Jamal Kudu." Shivering in the cold, Bora came downstairs while singing in a low tone and found Jimin doing something in the kitchen while his back faced Bora.
"Oppa what are you making?" Bora asked as she jumped behind him and punched his back lightly for a few times without a warning . Then she immediately went to the dining table to grab a glass of water. But she saw the main door of the house was open.
"Oppa. Why is the door open?" Bora asked without looking back at him.
But what happened next turned her blood into water as she saw Jimin coming in through the door while saying, " Kook. I think the engine was hot that's why your bike stopped. I don't see any other reason behind...." Jimin stopped talking as he saw Bora looking at him with widened eyes.
" You woke up? I thought you were going to sleep a little more." Jimin said while ruffling her hair as he walked past her.
Bora asked herself while not looking back, " If it's Jimin then who is there in the kitchen!?"
Even before she could think of anything else, a voice came from behind.
"You still have small yet strong arms." A voice, deep and rough enough to give someone shiver.
Bora knew this voice. She used to be familiar with this voice once.
Bora looked back slowly as her eyes widened in shock again.
"Jung-Jung... Jungkook-shi!?" Bora said in a low yet excited tone as she held eye contact with him. Him!Jeon Jungkook! Her brother's beloved Bestfriend!
Bora wasn't able to say anything more as she continued to look at him with big eyes.
Smirking with his eyes and looking at Bora as if he was looking into her soul. Jungkook leaned forward on the kitchen counter while looking at her like a hunter looking at its trapped prey. Jungkook spoke after a few times later in that same raspy, deep voice,
"Long time, no see.....Sugar."

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