Chapter 13

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"butterfly, look up at me"

I finally looked up at jimin and said in quite cold tone.

"Explain" i said as i stared at him with cold and angry eyes.

"I already knew that you were innocent and someone was trying to trap you in the mess that they created. Jin-hyung, yoongi-hyung, ho-seok -hyung, namjoon-hyung and taehyung and Jungkook they all helped me in this. I was not about to fire you...but i heard some news that someone was trying to target tou because you're my p.a so i had to fire you." Said jimin as his eyes seemed sincere but his face was still neutral but a little guilt can be seen.

"What did really happened to mr. Lee? Who were the people's that tried to trap me in this mess? Who was targeting me?" I asked as i stared back at him with confusion, i needed all of these answers.

"About mr. Lee....he was killed by the person that started all of this, as after that last meeting we had before he died, is the reason that he died.


The day after they found out where mr.lee's body were.

Jimin again went to the warehouse for an last check.

He looked everywhere as he was walking near the area where mr. Lee's body was found.

("I have installed few hidden small CCTV cameras, all over the warehouse and on the tenth floor. Who knows it will might help" said mr.park as he took a sip of his coffee, while jimin was sitting next to him.

"Why?" Asked mrs. Park as she took a seat beside jimin.

"The next heir is not that much smart so i have to prepare everything" said mr.park as he scoffed a little with an dramatic disgusted face, while side eyeing jimin.

"Eomma your husband is just keeping what my grandfather did" said jimin as he stood up from his seat and kissed msr.park's forehead as he gave his dad an side eye and left.

Mrs.park laughed at her husband and son's drama)

'i guess, i need to thank my old man' jimin walked towards the door handle of the room that was facing straight to the place where the camera can have captured the best angle if the killer killed mr. Lee there.

Jimin took the small camera that wis fit in the middle of the door handle, as he gathered few more small cameras that was set on the painting a.t.c.

He went straight to an mansion that was in Busan. As he walked in the mansion and was greeted by few maids and workers.

He went straight to his office room in that mansion as he set up his p.c and checked the CCTV footages.

In the footage:

"We didn't feed you black money for you to just get scared of an random weak girl, and to get ready to tell all the the real things" said an man who was wearing black mask and black outfit.

"That girl is not just an normal girl-" before mr.lee can say anything more a bullet shot on his knee as he fell on his knees.

Before he can say anything else a another shot to his chest and then a another shot to his temple.

After that that man left from there as suddenly all the CCTV cameras blasted out.

End of flashback

"So this is how i found out about who killed mr.lee and then namjoon-hyung took care of that bastard." Jimin said as he stared at me for a second and then again started.

"And about the second question...they wasn't thinking about dragging you in this mess but the trap that they set for me, happened to be you getting traped by it instead of me"

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