Chapter 06

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At night while the office was almost empty, jimin and mariyam and few staffs and security guards were there only.

Mariyam just came back to her cabin after checking everything with jimin for the last time.

All this time mariyam was controlling herself from breaking down in tear whenever she looked at jimin's face.

While jimin was totally ignoring mariyam's presence but was listening to her.

Mariyam came to her cabin as she felt her whole body trembling and her hands getting cold.

She took few deep breaths and started packing her bag.

She was reciting the 99 names of Allah with slow and low voice.

Jimin was passing by Mariyam's cabin as he suddenly stopped on his tracks and felt his heart beating faster.

He held his chest tightly and took few deep breaths as he heard few Arabic words coming out of mariyam's cabin.

And those words were as-salamu, al-mu'minu and al-muhaiminu. As jimin heard those three words he felt his heart craving for something and he started sweating.

He felt like he couldn't breath, he immediately walked away from there and went straight to the elevator.

Meanwhile mariyam felt her heart at sudden peace and relief but at the same time a burning sensation, while she was reciting those three names of Allah (S.W.T).

She clutched her chest where the heart is, tightly and took few breaths and then walked out of her cabin.

While she felt tears running down her eyes. She wiped her eyes and went to take the elevator.

Jimin sat in his car and started his car as he held the car wheel with one hand and removed his tie with another hand.

As he ran his fingers through his perfectly set hair making it messy.

He revved up his car and went towards a drifting side with full speed.

He got to the drifting site but didn't saw anyone as he called the same guy from the club that day and said "kavin  how long will take all of you to come?"

"Wait there for 30 minutes. We all are coming"

"Be fast, you idiot!" After that he hung up his call and places his phone in his pocket.

The drifting place was located in a beach side. He looked out of his car window and saw the beautiful yet calm sea.

He got out of his car and stood while looking at the see as he leaned his back on his car.

His heart was still beating at a first rate. He looked at the sky and was about to look away but he felt his head throbbing suddenly and it felt like someone hit on his head with a metal rod.

He shook his head while he rubbed his forehead and after a second the headache was gone completely.

But he remembered those three words that he heard when he was passing by Mariyam's cabin.

He talked to himself in his mind while he looked up at the sky again 'as-salam, al-mu'minu, al-muhaiminu...huh?....what does these means and why are these giving me strange feelings that I cannot really understand?' he took out his phone and went through his phone and clicked on Google.

He searched those words while he typed those in English. His heart was beating like it will come out of his chest when he was typing those words.

The search results came Infront of him on his phone's screen. He looked through them and saw the meanings of those words.          

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