Chapter 02

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Mariyam Walks in as the CEO says "hello! Miss Mariyam. Please take a seat" The CEO says with a smile as he takes out the files of mariyam's identity information.

As mariyam sits down and says in a polite tone "Nice to meet you sir. I'll be glad to work with your company"

"thanks miss Mariyam, but...the niqab you're wearing. If it was only a hijab it would've been more acceptable and here you are wearing niqab." The CEO says as he looks up at mariyam from the file.

"sir niqab is a part of my religion just like how hijab is. I cannot remove my niqab, I've promised to my Allah I'll never remove my niqab after something terrible. So I'll be glad if you try to understand what I'm trying to say. I know most girls are only into hijab but there are still many girls like me who wears niqab. And my niqab have became a part of me that I cannot just abandon. I love my Allah more than my passion, sir." Mariyam says as she feels a little nervous in her heart and waits for the CEO's reply.

"but won't you feel uncomfortable staying in your niqab for more than 10 hours in the office? Wouldn't it be hard for you? I'm recommending you at least wear just hijab instead of wearing niqab."

"My apologies sir, but I'm not scared of feeling uncomfortable or scared of it becoming hard for me. I'm scared of my Allah's anger, I cannot make my Rab angry at me. I cannot be disrespectful. I'll be fine with my niqab on for even more than 15 hours." Mariyam says as she looks straight at the CEO's eyes.

As the CEO replies "I hope you don't get in any trouble because of your niqab in this company. You can go now" the CEO said and placed mariyam's file on the table Infront of her.

As mariyam got a little startled with the sudden change in behavior as she pouted behind her niqab feeling sad thinking that she got rejected again.

As she was going to stand up feeling her heart being burdened for no reason she felt like crying but suddenly she heard the door opening sound as the girl from before came in with smile and stood in front of the desk.

As the CEO said "show miss Mariyam her cabin and everything important related to work. She'll join from tomorrow. And tell others to go. The interview is over" as the words left CEOs mouth mariyam looked at him with her widened eyes while being dumbfounded.

As the girl standing next to her nodded and turned to her and said "hello miss Mariyam! I'm Alice." Alice said with a soft but professional smile.

Mariyam and Alice both were walking towards the elevator as mariyam took a deep breath placing her hand on her chest as Alice Chuckled at mariyam's dramatic behavior and said "you look scared miss Mariyam"

Mariyam chuckles back and says "well I was kinda sad. I thought that I'll be rejected here as well. But I'm relieved now."

Alice Chuckled and they both entered the elevator as both of them locked eyes for few seconds and both burst outs laughing softly "I already had a feeling that you'll be accepted the moment I saw in the waiting room"

"really? I didn't thought so"

"girl be confident, you're perfect for this job."

After that there was few seconds of silence as mariyam said breaking the silence "which floor are we going?"

The elevator Opened and Alice said "this is the 9th floor. And CEO's room is in 10th floor. Your cabin is in there."

She said and they both entered a room . The cabin was good but there was not really a good place where mariyam can offer her prayer.

Mariyam said in a slight sad tone "is there any room where I can offer my Salah? This place is not suitable. This room have glass wall. And I need a room where no one will be able to see me praying"

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