Chapter Thirty-Five: Aren

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The desire runs so deep that even the thought of splitting her head open to delve into her thoughts seems insufficient. I yearn to exist within her, to be inseparable, never apart. I crave to merge with her, to be simultaneously above, beneath, and beside her. I want her to dominate me while also begging for my touch. I long to nourish her, to be nourished in return. Every thought she has should be intertwined with mine, and every thought of mine should echo in her mind. I want everything from her- every facet of her being.

Every moment of shared affection replays in my mind, each memory a bittersweet torment, leaving me yearning for more. I've become consumed, obsessed with her touch and her taste, craving it incessantly. Curse her for granting me the exquisite pleasure of experiencing her, only to cruelly snatch it away. I know I'm not entitled to her love, but can't she see how desperately I hunger for even the tiniest scrap of affection?

She occupies my thoughts constantly, but it's different now. I no longer need to fabricate scenarios in my mind because the reality of what we've shared surpasses any fantasy. I just wish she could comprehend the depths of my devotion to her. If tending to the man back at the facility wasn't proof enough, I'm determined to demonstrate other ways I can care for her. I'd willingly become her very sustenance if she so desired.

I stand in the doorway, unnoticed, as she lies on her bed, unaware of my presence. My eyes linger over her figure, tracing every curve, every contour, in a way that feels intrusive, almost voyeuristic. I can't help but feel like some sort of pervert, though perhaps she's to blame for igniting these desires within me.

Her head is in some book, her eyes scanning along the words, completely consumed by whatever she reads. She should be consumed by me instead... or consuming me.

On that first day of freedom, despite the barriers she erected, she still took me to get clothes and patiently answered all my questions about this unfamiliar world I'm struggling to navigate. She's incredibly kind and helpful, a truly sweet soul. Her assistance meant the world to me, and now, I'm determined to reciprocate. I want to be there for her in any way I can, to offer her the same level of support and kindness she shows me.

I rap my knuckles against the wooden frame, relishing the twisted thrill as I witness the flicker of panic in her eyes upon realizing my presence. With a smirk, I step into her space, settling down beside her on the bed. "What's got you so immersed?" I inquire, gesturing to the book she's now closed, feigning innocence despite the knowledge that I've disrupted her solitude.

Her smile in return is breathtaking, devoid of any hint of annoyance at my interruption. I resist the urge to reach out and trace her teeth with my fingers, to taste them with my tongue. Instead, I watch as she swallows sharply, her gaze dropping to the book in her hands, a hint of something unreadable flickering in her eyes. "Something an old friend recommended- their favorite book," she explains, her voice carrying a subtle undertone that intrigues me further.

"Any good?" I inquire, leaning in slightly, my curiosity piqued. "It must be, seeing as you've been at it for hours." My gaze lingers on her, searching for any subtle hints in her expression, eager to unravel the layers of her thoughts.

Maintaining my smile, I observe as she traces the cover of the book, her touch gentle yet laden with a subtle sadness. "I've read it a million times, but I think I enjoy it more each time," she confesses, her voice carrying a wistful tone that tugs at my heartstrings.

"Must have been a good friend," I remark, my gaze flickering to the cover before returning to her.

She shrugs, a hint of ambiguity clouding her expression. "Sometimes," she replies softly.

I regard her with a hint of skepticism, a flicker of unease stirring within me as I consider the possibility that this old friend might be someone I'd rather she not speak of. Deciding to redirect the conversation to the reason for my visit, I swiftly change gears. "It's been a couple of days since we got here, and-"

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