Chapter 36 Distraction Technique

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Wukong exclaimed in surprise, and Tongfeng the Wind Spirit Monkey asked, "What, are you afraid?"

"Not afraid, but the thought of killing a Bodhisattva unsettles me," Wukong replied.

Tongfeng scoffed, "Bodhisattvas are human too, and among immortals and Buddhas, there are demons. The Way of Heaven is just, and all beings can attain the Dao. Yet, they look down upon all demons and spirits, engaging in the most shameful deeds in the world!"

Wukong said, "With our abilities, defeating the Great Sage, the National Teacher Wang Bodhisattva, would be easy. Why not set off now?"

Tongfeng replied, "There's no rush. Thousands of years have turned to smoke; why hurry at this moment? But about that Bull Demon, think of a way to help me conceal my identity."

Wukong laughed, "Why bother? The Bull Demon King is my sworn brother; there's no need for deceit."

Tongfeng gravely said, "Hold on! This matter concerns the survival of our clan; do not take it lightly. Among all beings, only the Seven Great Primordial Monkeys bear no grudges against each other and need not be wary. The rest, who can be trusted? The world moves for fame and profit; why not guard against it?"

Wukong took these words to heart. Although his acquaintance with Tongfeng was brief, their trust surpassed that of others, not out of pretense but natural inclination. Moreover, Wu Zhiji's unspoken disdain for worldly beings resonated with Wukong, viewing all beings as potential foes.

Wukong suggested, "Let's say we've been entangled in battle for a while without a clear victor and accidentally fell into this maze. Recognizing each other's worth, we joined forces to break free, turning from foes to friends. How about that?"

Tongfeng considered, "It's a bit far-fetched, but plausible. The Bull Demon King's understanding of formations is superficial; he won't see through my arrangement."

After leaving the formation and destroying it, they found the Bull Demon King, who, true to expectation, did not harbor any doubts, and the trio joyfully returned to the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit.

Upon arrival, the Bull Demon King, seeking to keep his return secret from his wife, departed to cultivate in seclusion, with Wukong barely containing his laughter in agreement.

After sending off the Bull Demon King, Wukong and Tongfeng shared stories in the Water Curtain Cave. Tongfeng recounted his past, echoing Wu Zhiji's sentiments, revealing his role in persuading the Seven Great Primordial Monkeys to abandon their worldly dominion, a decision he deeply regretted.

Tongfeng lamented, "I was misled by traitors, a single misstep leading to total loss."

Wukong consoled, "It's not your fault. Those with schemes would simply devise new ones. The Primordial Monkeys, naive in deception and without guard, could not outwit them. What does it have to do with you?"

TongFeng spoke, "Back then I had two subordinates, both clever and astute at understanding people's hearts. I trusted them greatly. Without being explicit, they spoke daily of the vast, boundless world, how free and untrapped it was, which clouded my judgment. Coupled with my untamed nature, over time, I proposed to my six brothers that we return to the free world."

Sun Wukong casually asked, "Who were those two?"

TongFeng replied bitterly, "They were nameless, just two One-Horned Ghost Kings. Their cultivation was weak, and I have long since killed them. Now, I know not how many reincarnations they have undergone, whether they are man or beast."

Sun Wukong was startled, "One-Horned Ghost Kings!" That name had appeared in Journey to the West.

After Sun Wukong resigned from his position as Protector of the Horses and returned to the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit, it was these two One-Horned Ghost Kings who presented him with a reddish-yellow robe and suggested that he declare himself the 'Great Sage Equal to Heaven.'

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