Chapter 17 The Cloud Somersault

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The Patriarch said after attaining enlightenment, "One in the heavens and one on the earth, how can they be compared?"

Wukong became anxious, "Master, your teaching really makes me anxious."

The Patriarch said, "This Cloud Somersault is a skill that belongs to no one but you. Why are you anxious?"

Wukong thought to himself, a skill that belongs to no one but me? He recalled carefully and indeed, in the Journey to the West, aside from himself, who else had the ability to instantly travel eighty thousand miles? Except for the Golden-winged Roc, truly no one could match his speed. Could it be that this ability for long-distance instant travel was related to his identity as a divine monkey? He pondered carefully, but this was probably impossible to verify. The skill of Cloud Somersault, likely unique, was not something others could learn.

The Patriarch taught Wukong the incantation for the Cloud Somersault. Wukong silently recited the magic words, and with a somersault, he soared into the air, shooting straight up to the ninth heaven, feeling the biting cold wind, not knowing where he was. Wukong, having attained the great Tao, had exceptional eyesight, yet he could see nothing around him, stranded in a solitary space, not knowing how to return.

At that moment, the voice of Patriarch Subhuti sounded from below, "I am here." Wukong hurriedly followed the sound and landed back to where he started, still in shock. The feeling was too strange; what was that dark place? He saw the Patriarch clapping and laughing, "Why did you soar upwards? What was the logic in that?"

Wukong, puzzled, replied, "I just twisted the incantation, not knowing why I went up."

The Patriarch then elaborated on the profound mystery, explaining that the true meaning of the Cloud Somersault lies in the incantation, which can be long or short, changing as the heart desires, usable for distances far and near. The ability to change directions mid-journey also relies on the will, like Wukong's aimless action, naturally shooting straight up.

Wukong memorized the technique and practiced it several times, flying through the air, seeing the checkerboard of mountains and seas below, feeling indescribable joy.

He thought to himself, if only I knew the way, I could return to the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit to report my safety. However, he didn't realize that no matter how he flew, he would not find the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit in this world.

Wukong turned a few circles in the air, shuttling through clouds, experiencing sunny and rainy weather, crossing all four seasons, dancing in the nine heavens. The exhilaration was indescribable, feeling as if the heavens and the earth were within his sight, suddenly filled with heroic spirit, freely using his magic to turn rivers upside down and move mountains and stones where no one was around.

After playing for half an hour, he returned to where the Patriarch was waiting, only to find him smiling silently at Wukong.

Wukong felt uncomfortable under the Patriarch's gaze, as if a craftsman was looking at his work or a master at his pet, with an indescribable expectation hidden within.

Wukong approached and said, "Master, your disciple was momentarily playful and stayed out too long, please do not take offense."

The Patriarch said, "I am well aware of your nature, it's fine."

Wukong then said, "Master, you have granted your disciple great Fate, all powerful spells and magic, but I wonder what to do if I encounter a skilled fighter?" Wukong thought to himself, the Journey to the West did not mention Wukong learning martial arts, but since he could wield the golden cudgel, relying solely on brute strength was unlikely. He decided to test the waters, perhaps there was an opportunity.

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